

Research on Curriculum Development of Vocational Ducation during the Republic of China

【作者】 陈文香

【导师】 任平;

【作者基本信息】 广东技术师范学院 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中华民国时期(1912-1949年)是中国社会变迁与文化转型的重要历史时期,这一时期的教育经历了新旧教育嬗替,由传统封建教育向资产阶级新教育的转变,是中国教育近现代教育史上一个重要的历史发展阶段。在这段中国政权更迭频仍,战争连连,社会动荡不安的时期里,中国近现代职业教育在复杂多变的社会环境中艰难发展。民国职业教育近三十八载的发展历程是一个不断职业教育中国化与职业教育课程本土化的过程,在此过程中积累了许多成功经验也留下了诸多失败的教训。这些历史留下的宝贵财富,对于当今中国职业教育课程改革具有重要的参考价值与现实意义。文章共分为五章:第一章叙述了本文的选题缘由与意义、研究现状、研究内容与方法,并对相关的研究概念进行了界定。第二章以南京国民政府的成立在形式上统一全国为界,将民国时期分为前、后两个时期,分别对这两时期的职业教育课程发展的时代背景进行了论述。第三章主要论述了民国时期对于职业教育课程的思想探讨及其对民国职业教育课程实践的指导作用,突出体现在1922年新学制改革理论探讨中关于职业教育课程的讨论。第二部分选取了十分具有代表性的陶行知、黄炎培二位教育家的职业教育课程思想进行论述。第四章系统考察了民国时期的职业教育课程实践探索历程。从民国实业教育改革时期到职业教育的兴起再到职业教育的发展与调整,民国职业教育的课程演变历程也遵循了这一发展轨迹。本章将这一时期的课程实践探索历程分为1912-1921年民国初期实业教育改革、1922年新学制与职业教育兴起、1927-1949年职业教育的发展与调整三个阶段,分别进行了梳理与论述。第五章主要总结了民国时期的职业教育课程发展具有以下几个特点:职业教育课程发展是一个不断本土化改造与探索的过程;是一个不断规范制度化的过程;实用精神贯穿于民国职业教育课程发展的始终等。最后,结语部分以史为鉴,结合当今现实阐述了民国时期职业教育课程发展对当今带来的启示与借鉴。

【Abstract】 Republic of China time(1912-1949)is not only an important period of Chinese social andculture transformation, but also a significant stage of the near modern history of Chineseeducation. Shifting from feudal education to bourgeois education, China education had beenundergoing deep changes over the period. Under a complex and volatile social situation(regimechanges, constant wars, and social disorders), Chinese vocational education had made haltingprogress. However, during the thirty-eight years’ indigenization, vocational education in theRepublic of China accumulated a lot of successful experience and defeat lessons. All in all, thevaluable historical wealth has important reference value and practical significance for today’sVocational Education Course Reform.This thesis consists of five chapters.Chapter one clarified selection reasons, significance, research actualities, main content,research methods, and relevant definitions.Since the government of Republic of China founded in the city of Nanjing and unified thewhole country formally, Republic of China time can be divide into two periods before and after.Vocational education curriculum development of the two periods are discussed respectively inChapter two.Chapter three mainly points out that the guiding role of vocational education curriculumtheory towards course practice in Republic of China time, is reflected most outstandingly in thetheoretical discussion of vocational education curriculum in the new academic structurereform(1922). Moreover, Tao xingzhi and Huang Yanpei’s theories are discussed in the secondpart of this chapter.Chapter four investigates the exploratory experiences of vocational curriculum practice inRepublic of China time. Vocational education curriculum had experienced the process from theperiod of industrial education reform to the rise of vocational education, to the development andadjustment of vocational education.Chapter five summarizes several characteristics in the development of vocational educationcurriculum in the republic of China time.Take history as a mirror and combine reality, last part describes the important function ofinspiration and reference to today’s vocational education curriculum.


