

Comparison of Morphological Variations, Flesh Quality and Relative Biochemical Character of Anguillajaponica from Three Different Aquaculture Models

【作者】 杨磊

【导师】 王志铮; 施建军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江海洋学院 , 养殖, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 以肛长25.91±3.26cm的池塘专养模式(M1)、日本沼虾套养模式(M2)和水库放养模式(M3)日本鳗鲡养成品为研究材料,分别对其形质、体色、肌肉物性特征、肌肉营养成分、内脏抗氧化酶活力、内脏消化酶活力以及血液生化指标值进行了差异比较。不同养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品形质差异研究表明:(1)M1-M2、M1-M3、M2-M3间的欧氏距离依次为1.4328、3.5164和2.1674;(2)经主成分分析,提取到的5个特征值均大于1的主成分,累计贡献率达82.1053%,仅通过第一主成分便可较清晰地将三种养殖模式实验对象分开;(3)采用逐步判别法,以判别贡献率较大的体宽/肛长、体长/肛长、净体积系数、鳔体积系数和肝系数为自变量,所建Fisher分类函数方程组可清晰区分三种模式的养殖群体,其判别准确率和综合判别准确率均为100%。不同养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品体色及肌肉品质研究表明:(1)较M1而言,M2和M3体色可检测出黄绿色泽;(2)肌肉硬度、咀嚼性、粘着性分别呈M3≈M2>M1、M1≈M3>M2、M1>M3>M2,肌肉回复性和弹性均呈M3>M1>M2;(3)M3肌纤维致密,M1和M2则相对疏松;(4)肌肉水分、粗脂肪、灰分和粗蛋白含量分别呈M3>M1>M2、M1≈M2>M3、M3>M2>M1和M1≈M3>M2;(5)所检测脂肪酸中仅C16:0、C24:0和C18:1各模式间均无显著差异;(6)所测氨基酸中各模式间仅Lys、Leu、Ile、Gly和Ala存在差异。不同养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品内脏消化酶活力和抗氧化酶活力的研究表明:(1)肝脏蛋白酶活力、肝脏脂肪酶活力、胃蛋白酶活力和胰腺脂肪酶活力均呈M1>M2>M3,肠脂肪酶和淀粉酶活力均呈M1≈M2>M3,胰腺和肠蛋白酶活力均呈M1>M2≈M3;(2)肝脏SOD活力呈M1>M2≈M3,肝脏POD活力呈M1>M3>M2,后肾POD活力呈M3>M1≈M2,心脏POD活力、肝脏CAT活力、心脏CAT活力、心脏SOD活力和后肾SOD活力等各模式间均无显著差异,不同养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品血液生化指标的研究表明:(1)TP、ALB、GLOB、ALT、CHE等5项血液生化指标值各模式间无显著差异;(2)血清A/G、CREA、ALP、CK、GLU、BUN分别呈M1>M2≈M3、M3>M1>M2、M1<M2≈M3、M1≈M2<M3、M2<M1≈M3和M2>M1≈M3,AST和LDH均呈M1≈M2>M3

【Abstract】 Morphological variations, skin colour, physical characteristics and nutritionalcomponents in the muscle, activity of the digestive enzymes in liver, intestinal, stomach,and pancreas, activity of the antioxidant enzymes in liver, renal, and heart, and15bloodbiochemical indices were analysied for Anguilla japonica from three different culturedmodels. Anguilla japonica (snout-vent lengths:25.91±3.26cm) analyzed in this paper weresampled form three different cultured aquaculture models, they were monoculturepopulation (M1), polyculture population (M2) which were kept in the pounds ofMacrobrachium nipponense, and proliferation population (M3) that were collected fromhuge reservoirs.Discriminant analysis, cluster analysis and factor analysis were used for revealing thedifferences of adult individuals of these three cultured aquaculture models. The resultindicated that:(1) The Euclidean distance between M1and M2, M1and M3, M2and M3is1.4328,3.5164, and2.1674, respectively.(3)The accumulative variance percentage of thefirst five principal components was82.1053%, and the eigenvalues of these factors werelarger than1. The three aquaculture models could be clearly separated each other byprincipal components1.(4) In discriminant analysis,5relative parameters were selectedfrom23relative parameters to establish discriminant functions of the aquaculture models.Both discriminant accuracy and synthetic discriminant accuracy were100%.The nutritional components, physical characteristics in the muscle, and the skin colourof Anguilla japonica from three different acquaculture modles were tested and analyzed.The results indicated that:(1) Both M1and M2showed a light yellow and green colour onthe body skin in comparison with M1.(2)The hardness, adhesiveness, springiness,resilience, and chewiness values showed M3≈M2>M1, M1>M3>M2, M3>M1>M2, M3>M1>M2, and M1≈M3>M2, respectively.(3) From the tissue slices we can found that thedensity of muscle fiber of M1was much higher than that of M1and M2.(4) The contents ofthe moisture, ash, crude lipid, and crude protein in musule showed M3<M1<M2,M3<M2<M1, M1≈M2>M3,and M1≈M3>M2, respectively.(5) There were no significantdifferences in the contents of C16:0, C24:0, and C18:1among the three series Anguillajaponica, while the contents of the other tested fatty acids including in certain modle ofAnguilla japonica were significantly difference from another one or two model.(6)Thecontents of the common amino acids tested in the study except for Ile, Leu, Lys, Ala, andGly were nearly same among grops. Activity of the antioxidant enzymes in liver, renal, heart, and activity of the digestiveenzymes in liver, intestinal, stomach, and pancreas of Anguilla japonica from threedifferent aquculture models were measured. The results indacated that:(1)There were nosignificant different of the SOD activity in heart and renal among groups, while liver SODactivity showed M1>M2≈M3. The POD activity in liver and renal showed M1>M3>M2and M3>M1≈M2,respectively. No signicant difference was observed between models forthe activity levels of POD measured in heart, and CAT measured in liver and heart.Fifty blood biochemical indices were measured in this study. The result indacated that:(1) The contents of TP, ALB, GLOB, and the activity of ALT, CHE showed no differencebetween groups.(2) A/G, CREA, ALP, CK, GLU, and BUN showed M1>M2≈M3, M3>M1>M2, M1<M2≈M3, M1≈M2<M3, M2<M1≈M3and M2>M1≈M3, respectively. Both ASTand LDH showed M1≈M2>M3.


