

The Fatigue Strength Assessment for Hull Structures of42m Trawler

【作者】 杨高胜

【导师】 谢永和;

【作者基本信息】 浙江海洋学院 , 捕捞学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是传统的渔业大国,也是世界上渔业较发达的国家之一,拥有数目众多的各类渔船,特别是在目前全球面临近海渔业资源过度开发、国内大多钢质渔船超龄使用急需更新换代的形势下,迎合远洋渔业发展的潮流和趋势,研发和打造自己国家先进渔船,对促进我国渔船、渔业以及相关行业的发展具有重大意义。传统拖网渔船在结构上与散货船等主要商船有较大的差异,横向结构较强,纵向结构相对较弱,横剖面上没有显著的纵向结构,从目前的新型设计远洋渔船来讲,船体结构本身的大型化和复杂要求其结构性能备受关注,有必要考虑类似大型商船等可能突出的疲劳问题,但目前却没有相应的具体规范要求以及疲劳指导意见等,对于新设计的部分大新型渔船,设计单位也是大多是参照其他大型商船的规范进行设计制造的,拖网渔船是目前最主要的捕捞渔船类型,对拖网渔船的船体结构疲劳问题进行分析研究,并对其敏感部位进行疲劳强度评估,对将来大新型钢质拖网渔船的设计和建造具有实际指导意义。本文依据一普通钢质拖网渔船,对其完成整船的模型建立、疲劳外载荷计算、强度计算、疲劳评估等一系列流程的分析研究,从疲劳评估的角度考察渔船的船体结构特点,为渔船报废制度提供科学指导依据以及相关规范的制定和完善;提出影响渔船疲劳强度的因素以及改善疲劳性能的措施,可以为以后指导和优化较大主尺度渔船的结构设计,以及将来新大型、结构更复杂的远洋渔船的设计建造提供参考。

【Abstract】 China, as one of the biggest traditional fishing countries, is also a more developedfishery country in the world, which has a fairly large number of all kinds of fishing vessels.particularly in the situation of facing the over exploitation of coastal fishery resources andseriously needing to update the most domestic overage used steel fishing vessels in thecurrent global, studying and building advanced steel fishing vessel of our own country,catering to the trend for the development of ocean fishery, which will make greatsignificance to promote the development of national fishing vessels, and related industriesof fishing vessels etc.Compared with the traditional common merchant ships, such as bulk carriers, steeltrawler have significant difference in the structure, such as the stronger horizontal structure,the relatively weaker vertical structure and with no significant vertical structures on thetransverse cross section, in terms of the new design of large-scale pelagic steel fishingvessels, the large and complex of hull structures makes the structural performance becomemore concern. the problem about fatigue strength of steel fishing vessel may become muchprominent as the requirements of the hull structure with large scale, therefore, it isnecessary to consider the fatigue strength assessment for hull structures of steel fishingvessel, but there are no specific regulatory requirements as well as fatigue guides, somedesign departments consult the specification of other large merchant ships for design andmanufacture for part of new design fishing vessel. Consequently, studies on the fatigueproblems of steel fishing vessel about hull structure and the fatigue strength assessment ofits sensitive parts, which will make great practical significance in the design andconstruction of new pelagic steel fishing vessels in the future.Accordance with an ordinary steel trawler, analysis the process of the entire shipstructure modeling, structural strength and fatigue loads calculating, together with fatiguestrength assessment, investigate the structure characteristics of fishing vessels from theaspect of the fatigue assessment, provide some scientific guidance or technical reference forformulating and improvment the scrapping fishing vessels or related specifications; andpropose some main factors affecting vessel fatigue strength and effective measures toimprove fatigue performance, guide and optimize the structural design for the larger scaleand more complex structures pelagic steel fishing vessels.


