

Social Contacts: the Important Dimension of Human Development

【作者】 杨雁骄

【导师】 陈爱梅;

【作者基本信息】 长春师范学院 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 社会交往是人的一种存在方式。人并不是作为个体而独自在社会中存在和发展的,人要想有效地生活,就必须与他人发生联系。只有社会交往才能解决人作为个体的有限性和人的需要的多样性之间的矛盾。即使是最为基本的人自身的再生产,也须通过个体之间的交往与合作方能进行。人们通过社会交往联合起来获得更大的联合力量,来弥补自身的不足并达到目的,促进人的生存和发展。社会交往作为人的实践活动的一个方面,必然是以一定的方式进行的,社会交往方式是人们社会交往实践活动的一定的样式或模式,社会交往方式受到通信手段、交往工具的制约。随着交通工具、通信手段的不断改进,尤其是当代电子计算机、信息技术和网络技术的发明和使用,人们社会交往的全面性和便捷性特征日益突出。在全球化语境下,人们之间的交往更加的开放、自主和自觉,这为良好的社会关系奠定了基础并且有利于推动人的全面发展。可是我们也看到了交往虽然带给人幸福和快乐并在人的发展中起着非常重要的积极作用,但是也给人类带来了一些消极影响让人们感到恐慌,如自我认同的危机、交往主体的信息压力、交往主体的冷漠化与情绪表达的紊乱化等等。在全球化的背景下,人们更应该加强树立开放的社会交往观念以适应时代发展的需求。我们提倡的开放应是全方位、多维的开放,其形成有赖于具有开放观念的开放的人。不仅要扩大国家地区间的开放,重视政治经济及文化领域的开放而且还要加强各社会团体间的开放以进行广泛的交往,了解和吸取彼此间的优秀成果和经验以促进人的自由全面发展。同时还要注重自主性自觉性的培养,因为自主性和自觉性不仅是人与人进行社会交往的前提条件也是实现平等自由交往的基础。交往主体要加强思维和逻辑方面的训练,当然还要具备良好的信息整合能力和有自我调控的能力。同时还需要人们的道德自律和约束,除了法律规则和规范,加强道德价值观的作用,具有十分重要的意义。使人们了解社会交往的特殊价值,加强培训教育,树立开放观念,信息观念,法制观念,合作的理念,和谐理念,创新的理念等。使公共生活的基本道德标准和价值可以被大众理解,掌握法律法规,以创造良好的社会环境。

【Abstract】 Social contacts is a way of being human. People is not alone in society to exist anddevelop as individuals, who wants to live, it must be linked with others. Social contactsin order to resolve the contradiction between the person as the limited nature of theindividual and the diversity of human needs. Even the most basic reproduction, it mustbe through the interaction between the individual partners can. Greater joint force tounite people through social interaction, to make up our own shortcomings and achievethe purpose, the promotion of human survival and development.Social contacts as an aspect of the practice is necessarily a certain way, socialinteraction is the practical activities of people’s social interaction style or mode of socialinteraction is constrained by the means of communication, communication tools. Astransport, communication means continuous improvement, especially the invention anduse of contemporary electronic computer, information technology and networktechnology have become increasingly prominent, the comprehensiveness of the people’ssocial interaction and convenience features. Exchanges between people in the context ofglobalization, more open, independent and conscious, which laid the foundation forgood social relations and conducive to promoting the comprehensive development. Butwe also see an active role in exchanges bring happiness and joy, and plays in humandevelopment is very important, but also some negative impacts brought to mankind sothat people panic, such as self-identity crisis, the exchanges between the maininformation pressure, the communicative main indifference and emotional expressiondisorder and so on.In the context of globalization, should be strengthened to establish an open conceptof social interaction in order to meet the development needs of the times. We advocate the opening should be comprehensive, multi-dimensional open its formation depends onthe open-concept open. Between the countries and regions not only to expand openingup, attention to the opening of the political economic and cultural spheres, but also tostrengthen the open for a wide range of contacts between various social groups, tounderstand and to draw between the outstanding achievements and experience in orderto promote free and comprehensive development of the human. Also pay attention tothe cultivation of the autonomy of consciousness, autonomy and self-consciousness isnot only a prerequisite for human social interaction is the basis of equality and freedomof exchanges. The exchanges between the main body to strengthen the training ofthinking and logic, of course, have good information integration capabilities and theability of self-regulation. Also need people’s moral self-discipline and restraint, inaddition to the legal rules and norms, to strengthen the role of moral values, and of greatsignificance. Make people aware of the special value of social interaction, and tostrengthen training and education, and establish the concept of open informationconcepts, legal concepts, the concept of cooperation, harmony concept, innovative ideas.Basic ethical standards and values of public life and public understanding to grasp thelaws and regulations in order to create a favorable social environment.


