

Quantitative Measurement and Clinical Research of Meniscus in Knee on MRI Scan

【作者】 陈臻

【导师】 曹学伟;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 背景随着现代医学的发展,半月板对于膝关节乃至下肢活动的重要功能已经得到越来越明确的认识。半月板具有传导负荷、吸收震荡、加强膝关节活动的协调性和稳定性以及润滑关节、防治膝关节软骨过早磨损等功能,故准确诊断半月板疾病显得尤为重要。而目前临床的研究多停留在损伤及病变的半月板,对正常半月板的形态及其与关节软骨的关系均无明确阐述,且广东省内尚未建立正常膝关节半月板各项解剖学数据库,而目前已有文献中的测量方法有待完善。目的主要通过精确测量膝关节半月板在MRI扫描的大小,初步建立广东省正常膝关节半月板的大体解剖学测量数据库,为半月板的临床研究及疾病诊断提供依据。方法对男女共690名广东籍人士行膝MRI扫描,测量MRI图像中上内外侧半月板的长度、宽度、厚度,胫骨平台的最大矢状径、最大横径,股骨内外髁的横纵径,并通过计算得出各项数据间比例关系,建立数据库。结果建立了广东地区半月板相关数值的数据库,并按年龄分组对其进行分析;对半月板周缘性移位发生的机理和相关因素进行深入的探讨;分析内外侧半月板损伤的发生率;探讨了半月板退变、股骨髁变形及关节软骨三者退变的关系;结论一定程度上揭示了半月板退变与年龄、软骨退变的关系;通过线性回归性分析证明了半月板周缘性脱位与半月板宽度及厚度的系数关系;揭示股骨髁曲度随年龄增长可能变平,并用曲度将其量化;证实了半月板退变与膝骨关节炎的相关性,为诊断和治疗半月板退变及膝关节退行性变提供有价值的理论依据。

【Abstract】 ObjectivesSet up the anatomic database of meniscus in nomal knee joint in Guangdong Province by the accurate measurement of knee in MRI imaging and provide evidence to improve the clinical research and diagnosis of meniscus.MethodsWe select normal knee MRI scan of about690people in Guangdong Province, measure the width and the thickness of medial meniscus and lateral meniscus, and measure the maximum transverse diameter and longitudina diameter of the tibial plateau, and measure the transverse diameter and longitudina diameter of the lateral femoral condyle. Then we get the ratio of the data above by calculate and set up the anatomic database of meniscus.ResultTo establish the anatomic database of meniscus in Guangdong Province and set up the analysis according to the age group; to make a deep analysis of the incidence of radial displacement of meniscus and find out the reason; then we set up an analysis about the incidence of injury in medial and lateral meniscus; then we explore the relationship between meniscal degeneration and change of the femoral condyle and the degeneration of cartilage, and quantify the change of the femoral condyle with curvature.ConelusionWe reveal the relationship of cartilage degeneration, meniscal degeneration and age to a certain extent, and prove that the incidence of radial displacement of meniscus have coefficient relationship with the width and thickness of meniscus by linear regression analysis. Then we reveal the flatting of femoral condyle with age and quantify it with curvature, and confirmed the relationship between degeneration of meniscus and osteoarthritis of knee, and provide some valuable theoretical basis to prevent the degeneration of meniscus and knee at last.

  • 【分类号】R445.2
  • 【下载频次】81

