

Risk Evaluation Method Based on Fault Tree Analysis in Gas Storage Well

【作者】 李志楠

【导师】 毕明树; 段志祥;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 安全工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 储气井最早于1994年投入使用,是一种以储存压缩气体为目的的地下立式管状承压设备。储气井目前已经大量应用于压缩天然气加气站。与此同时,储气井也面临着许多安全隐患,针对储气井的失效模式开展风险评估就显得尤为重要。风险是失效概率和失效后果的乘积,风险分析有定性,定量,半定量分析三种方法。风险管理的流程包括风险源识别,风险分析,风险评价和风险决策几个部分。基于风险的检验能够在降低风险的同时,实现安全和经济性的统一。故障树分析法是一种以逻辑门将事件联系起来的演绎法,它能够很好的分析出系统的薄弱环节;层次分析法用于分析风险因素权重,和其他方法相比更加客观;评分法作为一种半定量的风险评价方法,能够融合定性和定量法的优点,避免单独定性法造成的评价不足,能使评估更加准确合理。基于此,本论文进行如下几方面工作:(1)分析储气井失效模式,进行危险源识别,并针对引起储气井失效的腐蚀因素,固井因素,设计因素,泄漏等因素进行风险因素分析;(2)构建储气井失效故障树,基于故障树分析,求出最小割集,结构重要度,找出储气井失效的薄弱环节;(3)运用层次分析法判定储气井各个风险因素权重,为制定风险评估方法做基础准备;(4)采用专家打分法进行风险评估,制定储气井失效可能性打分原则,制定失效后果的评分模型,确定风险等级,为储气井的风险评估提供理论支撑;(5)对在用储气井进行案例分析,提供合理措施降低风险。

【Abstract】 Gas storage well, a vertical tubular pressure equipment to storage gas, was put into used in1994. Gas storage wells are now widely used in compressed natural gas filling stations.Meanwhile, gas storage wells are also facing many security risks and it is important to carry out a risk assessment about the failure mood of gas storage well. Risk is the product of failure probability and failure consequences and risk analysis include qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and semi-quantitative analysis. Risk Management include risk identify, risk analysis, risk assessment and risk decision. Risk Based Inspection can not only reduce the risk, but also find the optimal solution between security and economy.Fault tree analysis is a deductive method with events linked by using logical gates. Weakness of gas storage well can be found by analyzing fault tree. Analytic hierarchy process is used to analysis weight coefficient of risk factors. Its result is more objective compared with other methods. As a method of semi-quantitative analysis, expert evaluating method absorbs the advantage between method of qualitative analysis and method of quantitative analysis. Expert evaluating method will avoid the shortage only through qualitative analysis and it makes the result more reasonable and accurate.In view of the above, the following work will be carried out in this paper:(l)The failure mode of gas storage well will be analyzed and hazard sources will be identified. The failure factors, including corrosion factor, cementing factor, design factor, leakage factor and so on, will be analyzed.(2)The minimal cut sets, structure importance and weakness of gas storage well will be work out by building gas storage wells fault tree.(3)Each risk factor weight of gas storage well will be determined by using AHP and It will be prepared for defining risk assessment method.(4)Risk assessment will be carried out by using expert evaluating method. Marking principle about failure possibility of gas storage well, marking mood about failure consequences and the level of risk will be determined to provide the support for risk assessment of gas storage well.(5) Case analysis is used on gas storage well, Reasonable measures are provided to reduce the risks.

  • 【分类号】TE38
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】345

