

The Research of Teaching Methods on University Physics

【作者】 常建宇

【导师】 余虹;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 理论物理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 高等教育担负着培养高素质人才的重任,是国家和社会进步的重要推动力。因而,如何能更好的实现高等教育的培养目标,提高教学质量,一直都是高等教育工作者关注的重点。论文通过对大学物理课程在高等教育中的地位及其作用进行阐述,发现大学物理对于培养学生的能力和素质方面有着不可替代的作用。因此,对大学物理教学方法的探讨具有重要的现实意义。论文首先较为详细的阐述了高等学校教学方法的特点、种类以及运用要求,然后通过查阅大量的文献,对国内外现阶段的大学物理教学方法进行了详细介绍。通过分析发现,虽然现阶段国内外涌现出诸如工作室物理、探究式教学以及研究性教学等许多优秀的大学物理教学方法,但是这些方法不论是对教师和学生的素质,还是对教学资源、教学环境都有较高的要求,不能较好的适用于我国的一些高等学校的大学物理课堂,尤其是一些地方院校。论文的重点是通过借鉴国内外优秀的大学物理教学方法,与有效教学理论、我国高等学校教学实际情况相结合,提出了四种能够较好地运用于我国现阶段大多数高等学校大学物理课堂的教学方法,即基于大班教学的启发式讲授、基于问题的学习的教学方法以及基于大学物理教学内容的变式教学、相似性教学的教学方法。通过分析,我们认为这几种教学方法能较好地适用于我国大多数高等学校的大学物理课堂,而且对提高大学物理教学效果、提升教学质量有一定的帮助。当然,对于大学物理教学方法的探索,是一个长期的过程。笔者提出的这几种教学方法也有一定的局限性。但是,我们相信,随着高等教育工作者的更多关注和不断探索,我国大学物理教学方法将会逐步得到完善。

【Abstract】 Higher education shoulders the responsibility of cultivating high-quality talents, It is the important driving force of the progress of our society and country. Therefore, how to achieve the goal of higher education better and how to improve the quality of higher education have always been the focus of concern to education workers.Through the elaboration of the status and role of physics course in higher education, this paper found that the role of University Physics to cultivate student’s ability and quality cannot be replaced. Thus the research of teaching methods on University Physics has important significance.Firstly, we elaborated the characteristics, types and the practicing requirements of university’s teaching method. Then after consulting a large number of literatures, we introduced the domestic and overseas teaching methods on University Physics at the present stage. Through the analysis, we found that there are many outstanding teaching methods on University Physics such as Studio Physics, Inquiry Teaching, and Research Teaching. But these methods possessed high requirements to the quality of teachers and students, the teaching resources and the teaching environment. So they cannot be practiced well in some domestic universities’physics classes especially in some territorial colleges.The key point of this paper is to come up with four methods which we think can be practiced well in most of our physics classes at the present stage. We put forward these methods by using the outstanding teaching methods on physics of other countries for reference, and combined with effective teaching theory and our higher education practice. That is, Heuristic Teaching, Problem-Based-Learning which are based on specific content and Pedagogy of Variation. Similarity Teaching which are based on large-sized class. Through the analysis, we found these four methods can be practiced well in most of our physics classes. And they can offer some help to improve the teaching quality.Of course, the research of teaching methods on University Physics needs a long-term procedure.Our teaching methods have their own limitations.But we believe that teaching methods on University Physics can gradually improved with more attention and exploration.


