

Concept Expression of the Pixel Art in New Media Context

【作者】 隋晓莹

【导师】 张滨;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 美术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,随着数字化技术的快速发展,人类社会变得高度信息化,像素艺术运用像素方格来塑造平面像素图像或立体像素形象,这种造型方式与符号化图形的理论研究相吻合,其目的都是为了选择一种适合的视觉语言来高效率地传达出人们的情感和观念。新媒体艺术的出现,不断丰富着艺术家们的创作思维和创作形式,催生出新的视觉语言传达方式,同时也扩充了当代艺术创作设计的外延,使艺术创作成为一种融合多种学科的载体。计算机和网络传媒技术的进步和发展,造就了精致的图像艺术品,而艺术观念的传达并非要靠这些完美画面来体现,相反的是风格简洁、形象鲜明、主题突出的艺术形式才更具有视觉的表现力和冲击力。像素艺术的出现便极大体现出当代艺术自在多变的创作手段,它将具象的现实事物归纳成抽象的色块拼合,借助于电脑和网络媒介平台,其形式和内涵不断得到了创新和发展,并且广‘泛应用于图标界面设计、二维游戏角色场景设计、二维手机图片动画设计、以及平面设计和工业产品设计、家居服饰设计等日常生活的各个领域中。更多的人通过像素艺术这一简洁明快的艺术形式,富有趣味性和创造性地传达艺术观念,寄托个人情感。本文从新媒体时代背景下像素艺术的基本概念、造型特点、艺术特色等方面详细论述了其独特的艺术魅力,并从审美的角度概括说明了像素艺术在当代艺术创作中作为一种新的视觉语言,所带来的个性化的观念传达,以及其多元化的创作表达方式,最后对其未来的发展前景作了简要总结分析,并应用于个人的作品创作中,从而使更多的人能够喜欢和关注像素艺术,并且能够投身到像素艺术的创作和研究中,使之与原有的艺术和设计语言相互作用,相辅相成,以寻求更多更好的艺术观念传达方式。

【Abstract】 Since1990s, with the rapid development of digitizing technique, human society becomes highly informatization, Pixel Art employs pixel pane to create pixel image plane or solid, which is complied with the Lheory of image symbolization. The purpose of these studies is to select a suitable visual language to express people’s emotion and idea effectively.The appearance of New Media Art has enriched artists’creative thought and creative form. Besides, it has induced the birth of many new mode of communication of visual language. At the meantime, it extended and expanded the contemporary artistic design and creation, which makes artistic creation a carrier that includes many subjects. The development of computer technology and network media technology has brought up exquisite graphic artwork. However, the expression of artistic concept does not depend on those perfect frames to present. In contrast, the artistic forms like concise style、 distinct character as well as highlighted theme have more expressive force and visual impact.The appearance of Pixel Art greatly demonstrated diverse creative technique of contemporary art. It changes figural object into abstract color lump algamation by using computer and network media. The form and content of Pixel Art has constantly innovated and developed, which has been widely applied in icon and interface design、 role and setting design of two-dimension games、2D picture and animation design、 planar design、industrial design、 home decoration design and so on. More and more people use it to express artistic concept and personal emotion.This paper expounds Pixel Art from the following aspects:basic concept、 formative feature、artistic characteristics and its unique artistic charm. The paper also illustrates that Pixel Art. as a new form of visual language in the contemporary artistic creation, functioned as personalized expression of concept from the angle of aesthetics. It also shows its multiple modes of expression and the future development. The author intends to enlighten that the application of Pixel Art in personal creation will make more people like it, pay attention to it and even more people study it. By combing with the original art and design language, many new and better expression forms of artistic concept will be produced.


