

The Design and Implementation of Military Material Management System

【作者】 苏建辉

【导师】 江荣安;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 军队物资管理的信息化建设,是我军在未来高技术条件下的“打赢”能力的物质保障。为了突出自身“保障能力”的建设,部分单位相继开发了一些基于C/S结构的MIS(Management Information System)系统应用于单位的物资管理,取得了良好效果。但随着部队人员装备结构调整和任务的多样化,C/S结构的MIS系统已逐渐无法满足军队现实需求。C/S两层模式开始向多层结构过渡发展。相对于C/S结构多层结构具有以下特点:硬件系统构成灵活,外部系统平台依赖性小;程序具有高可维护性;瘦客户的模式;支持多种数据库,易用性强。部队物资管理系统是一个基于J2EE体系结构的多层物资管理系统,在系统研发过程中,本论文在借鉴当前面向对象开发领域的一些先进思想和技术的基础上,加入了对数据安全性的保证即数字签名技术和数据加密技术的应用。主要成果:系统采用多层体系结构,运用EJB组件技术将业务逻辑封装在组件中,并将该组件以表现层的代理的身份对数据层进行直接操作,使目标系统的稳定性和复用性得到了加强;采用分层模式,给各层指定特定的角色,进一步增强应用程序的可伸缩性,能够更好适应客户的多样化需求;安全技术的应用也从一定的程度上保证了系统的信息安全。根据基层单位的实际情况,论文将部队物资系统划分为五个模块,功能涵盖了部队各类物资调拨请领、消耗补充、仓储登记、报废销毁的全过程。该系统目前已经成功运行半年左右的时间,通过该系统的应用,推进了部队物资管理的信息化建设,提高了基层单位物资管理信息化程度和工作效率,增强了部队的综合保障能力。

【Abstract】 Information construction of military materials management is the material insurance of our army’s ability to win warfare in the future high-tech. In order to highlight their own construction of supporting capability, some units have developed MIS (Management Information System) system based on the C/S structure and have been used in materials management, and achieved good results. But with the adjustment of military personnel and equipment and the diversity of the task, MIS system based on the C/S structure has been gradually unable to adapt to the practical needs of the armed forces. Two-layer model of C/S starts the development and transition to multi-layer structure. By comparison to C/S structure, its advantages represent as follows:flexibility of hardware system configuration, little dependence to the external system platform, higher maintainability of the program, thin-client mode, multiple databases support, and a strong usability.Military material management system is a multi-layer material management system based on the architecture of J2EE, in the process of system development, we learn some advanced ideas and technology on the basis of the field of object-oriented development, we also join the application of digital signatures and data encryption technology to ensure the security of the data. Major achievements:the system adopts multi-layer architecture, the use of the EJB component technology encapsulates business logic into the component and the component operates directly to data layer as the proxy of presentation layer so that the stability and reusability of the target system has been strengthened, hierarchical model layers specify a particular role to enhance application scalability further, and can be able to adapt to the diverse needs of customers better, the applications of security technology ensure the information security of the system from certain extent.According to the actual situation of the basic units, the paper divides military material management system into five modules, its functions cover the whole process of the troops various processes of materials management such as materials allocation and claim, materials consumption and supplement, storage register, and scrap destruction. The system has been successfully run for about six months, through the application of the system, it advances the information construction of force material management, promotes and improves the basic units material management level of information technology and efficiency, and enhances the comprehensive supporting capabilities of the troops.


