

The Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport in Dahuofang Reservoir

【作者】 陈婷

【导师】 沈永明;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大伙房水库位于浑河抚顺市区段的上游,是辽宁省最具有战略意义的重要水源地。伴随着人类活动对水库影响强度的日益增大,水质污染程度日益加重。在水库水环境系统中,泥沙与水流共同成为污染物的主要载体,影响着污染物在水体中的迁移转化过程,从而最终影响着水体的生态环境条件。所以对水库水动力学泥沙变化特性进行详细研究具有重要意义。本文首先运用EFDC模型建立了大伙房水库三维水沙数值模型,通过实测资料对计算结果进行验证,基本趋势一致。并应用模型对研究区域水动力场及悬沙场进行了详细分析,发现水库枯水期由于泄流量明显的增大,出库口附近流速急增,水位较低,底部泥沙扬起剧烈;而在丰水期虽然入库泥沙浓度较大,但进入库区范围由于水面扩大,流速变小,悬沙逐渐沉降;平水期整个库区流速均非常小,库区中悬沙浓度接近于零。结果表明,该模型能够较好的反应大伙房水库的水动力及悬沙特性,可以用于模拟和分析水库的动力场及悬沙场。其次运用建立好的模型对于1995年研究区域发生的特大洪水对大伙房水库的悬沙分布进行了模拟。研究了大伙房水库突发性水环境污染事故状态下水质状况,对事故影响程度进行了分析。结果表明,由于水库的人为调控作用,大洪水对水库的污水扩散产生了一定的影响。

【Abstract】 Dahuofang Reservoir, located at upstream of the Hun River in Fushun city, is the most strategically important water source of Liaoning Province. Along with human activities, the water pollution is increasingly severe. In water environmental systems of reservoirs, sediments and flows are the major carriers of contaminations, which exert significant influences on the transport process of contaminations and ecology environment of waters as well. Therefore, studying the hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment distribution in the reservoir is of great importance.In this study, Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) has been employed to simulate the movement of sediments and flows in Dahuofang Reservoir. The numerical model is validated by the observational data and the simulation results agree well with the measured data. Then the model is use to simulate the water dynamic field and suspended sediment field in the studying area. The results show that during the low flow period, the flow velocity near the water outlet increases dramatically and the bottom sediments are raised violently due to the obviously increasing discharge volume; during the high flow period, despite the concentration of suspended sediments increases before water flows into the reservoir, they decrease gradually during water flows inside the reservoir because the flow velocity drops; during the mean flow period, the concentration of suspended sediments is close to zero because of very small flow velocity inside the whole reservoir. It is claimed that EFDC can simulate water dynamics and sediment characters in Dahuofang Reservoir accurately and this model can be used to simulate water dynamic field and sediment field in reservoirs.This article studies the water quality status on the condition of emergent water environmental pollution accident occurring in Dahuofang Reservoir, and analyses the influence of the accident on the reservoir. The suspended sediment distribution in Dahuofang Reservoir is simulated for "95.7" extra-large flood using well-established model. The result shows that due to man-made regulation and controlling, the flood has a certain extent influence on sewage diffusion in reservoir.


