

Countermeasures Research of Sustainable Development on Resource-exhausted Fushun City

【作者】 傅彦艳

【导师】 曲英;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界性资源的日益衰减和生态环境问题的日益恶化,以往以资源开采与消耗为主要发展方式的资源型城市面临着越来越严重的发展问题,城市转型迫在眉睫。但无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,资源型城市转型都是一个持续而漫长的过程,且这个过程并非自发进行的,而是需要政府进行积极规划与指导的,并要在实践过程中不断地调整战略部署,以适应城市发展的需求和时代发展的需要。从世界范围来看,我国资源型城市转型起步时间较晚,理论研究和实践经验都相对缺乏,城市在发展过程中积蓄的矛盾问题突出,主要集中在资源消耗与替代资源发展、资源开发与环境保护上、资源性产业与非资源性产业发展失调等矛盾上,形式比较严峻。因此党和国家对资源型城市的转型问题高度重视。本文通过对抚顺市资源枯竭型城市转型和可持续发展过程中的路径选择、政策实施、实践效果等进行详细的阐释、对比和分析,归纳总结出抚顺可持续发展的特点与经验。通过对抚顺发展面临的问题、存在的困难、发展的优势和机会以及未来发展的威胁等方面进行深入探讨,找出抚顺在可持续发展过程中困难的症结所在,并有针对性地提出建议和对策,目的在于探讨资源枯竭型城市可持续发展的路径选择,从而促进资源枯竭型城市的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 As the world’s resources is waning and the increasingly exasperating of the eco-environment, resource-dependent cities faced with more and more serious problems of development. The transformation of these cities are imminent.But wether in the developed or the developing countries, the transformation of resource-dependent cities is a lenghthy process.It should continuous adjust strategic plan in practice to adapte the demand of the city and the times development.Taken the world over,the transformation of resource-dependent cities in our county is relative later.The problem is outstanding during the development of cities.The problems are mainly concentrated on resource consumption and the development of substitute resource,resource development and environmental protection.development irrational of resource industry and non-resource industry.Both theoretical research and practical experience are relatively insufficient.Based on the detail explanation, comparison and analyses on the path seletion,policy implementation and the effect of practice during the transformation and sustainable development in resource-exhausted city of Fushun,this thesis summarized the characteristic and experience in sustainable development of Fushun city.By studying the problems,difficulties,advantages and opportunities of Fushun development,this thesis find out the root of the problem during the sustainable development of Fushun city, and pertinently bring forward suggestions and countermeasures.The purpose of this thesis is to research the path seletion of sustainable development and improve the sustainable development for resource-exhausted cities.

  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【下载频次】153

