

The Research on the Calculation Methods of the Shear Strength Parameters of Jointed Rock Mass and Application in Engineering

【作者】 胡细伟

【导师】 陈健云;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济社会的持续快速健康发展以及西部大开发战略的持续实施,我国特别是西部地区、西南地区涉及岩石力学的基础设施工程建设越来越多,投资额也越来越大,与此同时,工程界对于岩石力学的研究还不够深入,还有诸多问题有待研究,以解决工程实际问题,比如如何合理的考虑节理裂隙对岩体的力学性质的影响问题,就有很多课题需要深入研究。国内外发生的多起涉及由于未考虑节理裂隙对岩体的力学性质的不利影响而发生的重大工程事故表明,研究节理裂隙对于岩体的力学性质的影响并用于解决工程实际问题显得迫在眉睫。现代计算机技术的发展为岩石力学的研究工作提供了强有力的工具和全新的思路,使原本不可能实现的科学实验在计算机里成为现实。节理裂隙岩体的力学性质研究往往不可能由实验就可以独立完成,本文采用计算机数值模拟的方法模拟了节理裂隙对于岩体力学性质的影响,得到工程岩体综合力学参数的计算方法,并将各向异性的力学材料参数开发为程序应用于有限元法分析实际问题中。本文主要工作如下:(1)根据节理裂隙岩体的统计几何和力学参数,基于蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)方法编制出程序模拟出结构面网络图样本,并按照节理裂隙岩体力学连通率的假设计算了节理裂隙岩体的力学连通率,在此基础上得到节理裂隙岩体具有各向异性的综合力学参数。(2)对于计算节理裂隙岩体力学连通率的各个关键的输入参数如:模型尺寸大小、重复模拟次数、投影带宽度、假设平均正应力等进行计算分析,得出计算节理裂隙岩体力学连通率所需要的参数的确定方法和原则,为计算结果的可靠性提供了保证。(3)基于大型通用有限元软件ABAQUS的用户材料子程序模块(UMAT)编制了基于修正各向异性摩尔库伦(Mohr-Coulomb)屈服准则的用户材料子程序,从而使上述节理裂隙岩体各向异性的综合力学参数能应用于实际工程的有限元问题分析中,建立了各向异性综合抗剪强度参数与实际岩体工程问题之间的桥梁。(4)将上述成果应用于实际节理裂隙岩体边坡工程的强震分析中,验证了程序的可行性和实际意义。

【Abstract】 As China’s economy and society sustained continuous, rapid and healthy development and the continuous implementation of the great western development strategy, in China, especially in the west and the southwest area of China, rock mechanics problem involved in the infrastructure construction is more and more, investment is becoming stronger and stronger, at the same time, academic circles have not yet prepared for solving the numerous problems in the rock mechanics and engineering, such as how to reasonably consider the influence of the joints and fissures to the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass etc, there are still a lot of issues that we need to study on. Many times of accidents occurred at home and abroad because of no considering the influence of joints and fissures to the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass show that it is urgent for studying the properties of the jointed rock mass, and using the technologies for solving the engineering problems.The introduction of contemporary computational mechanics has brought many new ideas and tools for the study of rock mechanics, it makes the once impossible to achieve scientific experiments to become realities. The research of the properties of the jointed rock mass is often impossible to be completed by experiments. This paper uses the methods computer simulation to study the influence of the joints and fissures to the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass, gains the calculation methods for the shear strength parameters of the engineering jointed rock mass, farther more, the anisotropic shear strength parameters are used to program a code to solve practical engineering FEM problems. The main work of this paper is as follows:(1) According to the statistical geometry and mechanical parameters of the jointed rock mass and the Monte-Carlo method, program the FORTRAN code to simulate the sample of the joint net work, according to the assumes of calculating the mechanical persistence ratio of the jointed rock mass, get the persistence ratio parameters, on this basis, get the anisotropic shear strength parameters of the jointed rock mass.(2) Study the needed input parameters used to calculate the mechanical persistence ratio such as the length of the study model, the repeated calculation times in order to get good results, the projection bandwidth, the assumed average normal stress etc, in order to understand how to input these parameters to get good, stable, reliable results. (3) Based on the user defined materials (UMAT) module of the large-scale general purpose finite element method software ABAQUS, programmed the UMAT code based on the corrected anisotropic Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion, makes the application of the anisotropic shear strength parameters in practical engineering possible, established a bridge between them.(4) Applied the above mentioned achievements in the earthquake analysis of the actual jointed rock slope engineering, verified the feasibility and practical significance of the program and the results above.


