

Groundwater Numerical Simulation on Ganjingzi District in Dalian

【作者】 燕敏飞

【导师】 王国利;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水是大连市生活和生产用水的重要补充水源。随着大连经济的快速发展,对水资源的需求也日益增长,部分地区超量开采地下水,产生地下水位下降、海水入侵等后果。对大连地区的地下水开采进行管理已刻不容缓。因此,需要对该区的地下水进行模拟研究,对地下水资源进行科学评价。分布式地下水数值模拟模型是研究地下水动态的有效工具。本文针对大连地下水资源综合利用中存在的问题,重点开展了以下研究:(1)选择甘井子区地下水系统为重点研究对象,在深入分析研究区地质、水文地质条件的基础上,建立了大连甘井子区的二维、各向同性、均质的非稳定流数值模拟模型,根据2006~2007年的地下水补给和排泄动态资料,采用稳定流法确定模型的初始流场,根据岩性特点及钻孔资料确定研究区边界及参数分区。根据2008~2009年的补给和排泄资料,采用试估-校正法,利用Visual Modflow的Modflow2000模块对模型进行识别。然后利用2010年的降雨和开采资料对模型进行验证。(2)利用1990~2004年的降雨系列,预测在现状开采条件下该区2011~2025年地下水流场变化,并进行水量均衡分析、资源评价。(3)依据资源评价的结果和研究区用水户的用水规划,设定三种开采情景,预测2011~2025年地下水流场变化。通过对三种开采情景下研究区的降落漏斗、水量均衡进行分析,得出以下结论:(1)2011~2025年共计15年研究区地下水系统总的补给量为31380.05×104m3,补给量来源全部为降雨入渗和侧向流入,未发生海水倒灌;总排泄量为29347.93×104m3。研究区的天然补给量约为2092×104m3/a,补给模数约为10.55×104m3/(km2·a)。在现状开采条件下,地下水储量虽有所增加,但是漏斗依然存在。(2)石灰石矿区停止开采地下水,有利于消除地下水降落漏斗,其他井增大开采量有利于袭夺部分蒸发量和入海水量,可以增加地下水的利用率。(3)通过对比分析结果可知,矿区停止开采,增大远离海岸开采井的开采量,即情景三最利于地下水资源的可持续利用。

【Abstract】 Groundwater, one of the important supplementary water sources, was over-pumped as more water quantity was demanded with the rapid development of the economies in some areas in Dalian. It resulted in the decline of groundwater table, seawater intrusion and so on. There’s no time to delay to manage the groundwater pumping in this city. For this reason, it needs to simulate the groundwater and evaluate the groundwater resource in this area. Distributed groundwater numerical simulation model is efficient to research on dynamic of groundwater.Aiming at problems when multipurpose utilization of groundwater in Dalian, the main studies were drawn as follows:(1) Groundwater system in Ganjingzi district was chosen to be a key study object. Based on the analysis of hydro-geological condition about this study area, two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic unsteady flow numerical simulating model was constructed. The initial flow field was computed by steady flow method using the data of average precipitation and exploitation quantity from2006to2007. According to lithological characters and borehole data, boundaries of study area and parameter sub areas were assigned. With the trial-and-error method, parameters of the model were identified by Modflow2000module which is embedded in Visual Modflow software. The identification period was from2008to2009. After the parameters were identified, the model was tested by data of precipitation and exploitation in2010.(2) According to the data series of precipitation from1990to2004and the current groundwater developing conditions, the groundwater flow fields of study area during2011and2025have been predicted.(3) According to water assessment results (2011a-2025a) and water using plan,3scenes were made, and the groundwater flow field changes were predicted.With the analysis on cones of depression and water balance budgets of3scenes, the conclusions were drawn as follows: (1) In simulated period(2011a-2025a), total recharge31380.05×104m3, total discharge is29347.93×104m3. Natural recharge is about2092×104m3, and recharge modulus is about10.55×104m3/(km2·a). In the condition of the current groundwater exploitation, the storage of groundwater is increasing, but the cone of depression can’t disappear.(2)Stopping exploitation in limestone mine is good for recovery of groundwater. Increasing pumping rates of else wells can reduce part of evaporation and discharge fluxes to ocean. Groundwater resource can be made full use by these measures.(3) Comparing these results, Scene3which includes stopping exploitation in limestone mine and increasing pumping rates of else wells which are far away from sea is more better for sustainable utilization of groundwater resource than other scenes.


