

Study of MEMS Micro Mirror for Laser Scanning Display

【作者】 李文翔

【导师】 徐征; 王敏锐;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 激光扫描微显示技术作为一项新兴的显示技术,适用于便携式微型投影系统(Pico-Projector)、嵌入式显示系统(Embedded Projector)、近眼显示系统(Near-to-eye)、机车显示系统(Automotive Displays)等,具有巨大的市场潜力和重要的研究意义。然而,其核心器件MEMS微镜的研究虽然已经广泛开展,但是仍然存在扫描频率低,扭转角度小等问题,致使激光扫描微显示技术仍无法广泛投入使用。本文针对以上问题,对MEMS微镜展开了以下研究工作:依据激光扫描微显示技术和压电理论,设计了一种由水平扫描微镜和竖直扫描微镜组成的二维激光扫描系统。针对MEMS微扫描镜存在的扫描频率低、扫描角度小的缺点,设计了一种T形梁结构的水平扫描微镜。同时,设计了一种采用双扭转梁结构的竖直扫描微镜,其镜面尺寸为3mm×8mm。并且使用ANSYS软件分别对两种扫描微镜的结构进行了模拟仿真设计。对扫描微镜的制作进行了研究,设计出微镜的工艺制作流程。综合采用体硅微加工技术和装配粘结技术,制备出水平扫描微镜和竖直扫描微镜样品器件。设计搭建了激光扫描测试系统,分别对水平扫描微镜和竖直扫描微镜的性能进行了测试。单层压电陶瓷驱动水平扫描微镜的扫描频率可达21.9kHz,在±200V的交流电压驱动下,得到21.8°的光学扫描角,Q值为1096.6。竖直扫描微镜的扫描频率为1131Hz,在±4V的交流电压下,得到29°的光学扫描角,Q值为337。最后,通过两种扫描微镜的组合实现激光二维扫描。

【Abstract】 The laser scanning micro display, as a new display technology, is suitable to pico-projector, embedded projector, near-to-eye system, automotive display and so on. It has strong potencial in the market and important research significance. The MEMS scanning micro mirror, as the core of the laser scanning micro display, has been investigated widely. But there are still some problems, such as lower scanning frequency and smaller torsion angle. These problems make the laser scanning display can not to be used widely. Aiming at the above problems, this article launched the following researches for MEMS scanning micro mirror.Based on the laser scanning micro display technology and piezoelectric theory, we designed a2D laser scanning system. This system is composed of a horizontal scanning mirror and a vertical scanning mirror. At present, the horizontal scanning mirror has some shortages, such as lower scanning frequency and smaller torsion angle. Aiming at these shortages, a horizontal scanning mirror with T shape beam was designed. At the same time, a vertical scanning mirror with double torsional beam was proposed too. Its mirror size is3mm×8mm. Optimization design has been conducted by using ANSYS.Study on fabrication of micro scanner, the process flow of the scanner was designed. Using bulk silicon processing and assemble technologies, the horizontal scamiing mirror and the vertical scanning mirror was fabricated.Laser scanning test system was designed and built. The resonant frequency, scanning angle of the micro mirror were tested. Results show the resonant frequency of the horizontal scanning mirror is21.9kHz. When the driving voltage is±200Vac, the scanning angle of the mirror achieves±21.8°. Q is1096.6. The resonant frequency of the vertical scanning mirror is1131Hz. When the driving voltage is±4Vac, the scanning angle of the mirror achieves±29°. Q is337. Finally,2D laser scanning was realized through combination of two kinds of micro scanner.


