

A Research of the Big Five Personality Traits, Involvement and Clothing Style in Image

【作者】 黄锦标

【导师】 张灵聪;

【作者基本信息】 漳州师范学院 , 应用心理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 人格特质和产品卷入在影响服装意象风格中或许起着较显著的作用。本研究对550名大学在校生进行了大五人格量表、服装卷入量表和服装风格意象量表的问卷调查。在五大特质中,尽责性和外向性两大人格特质都与服装卷入正相关。大五人格特质解释了多层次意象风格2.8%的变异,解释了沉静的意象风格9.9%的变异,解释了娇柔的意象风格2.2%的变异,解释了前卫的意象风格5.0%的变异,服装卷入解释了多层次意象风格3.0%的变异,解释了沉静的意象风格1.6%的变异,解释了娇柔的意象风格5.1%的变异,解释了前卫的意象风格11.6%的变异。这些结果表明人格特质和服装卷入在解释服装意象风格中有一定的贡献。进一步研究表明服装卷入在外向性人格特质与服装意象风格(沉静的和前卫的服装意象风格)中起中介作用。眼动结果进一步表明:外向性的学生较看重前卫风格衣服的衣领、沉静风格衣服的衣长、热情风格衣服的衣领和衣廓;内向性的学生较看重保守风格衣服的衣袖;高开放性的学生较看重前卫风格的衣廓;低开放性的学生较看重前卫风格的衣领;高宜人性的学生较看重娇柔风格的衣袖、阳刚风格的衣长、简单风格的衣长;高卷入的学生较看重前卫风格的衣领、保守风格的衣长、沉静风格的衣领、热情风格的衣领和衣长、娇柔风格的衣袖、阳刚风格的衣长、个性化的衣肩、多层次风格的衣长;低卷入的学生较看重大众化风格衣服的衣廓、个性化风格衣服衣长、简单风格衣服的衣廓。

【Abstract】 Personality and product involvement are both likely to play significant roles ininfluencing clothing style in image.College students (550undergraduates) completed theFive Factor Inventory and the Inventory of Clothing Involvement and the Inventory ofClothing Style in Image. Two of the Big Five traits, conscientiousness and extraversion, werepositively related with clothing involvement. The Big Five together explained2.8%of thevariance in much graduational clothing style in image,9.9%of the variance in quiet clothingstyle in image,2.2%of the variance in mild clothing style in image and learning stylesexplained,5.0%of the variance in vangard clothing style in image and clothinginvolvement explained an additional3%,1.6%,5.1%,11.6%,suggesting that both personalitytraits and clothing involvement contribute to clothing style in image. Further, therelationship between extraversion and clothing style in image(quiet clothing style in imageand vangard clothing style in image) was mediated by clothing involvement. At the sametime,the results,eye-movement experiment about pictures of clothing style in image,suggestthat students with high extraversion、low openness and high clothing involvement moreregarding as important the collar of vangard clothing, with high openness more regardingas important the outline of vangard clothing, with low extraversion more regarding asimportant the gusset of conservative clothing,with high clothing involvement moreregarding as important the length of conservative clothing, with high extraversion moreregarding as important the length of quiet clothing, with high clothing involvement moreregarding as important the collar of quiet clothing, with high clothing involvement moreregarding as important the collar and lenth of enthusiasic clothing, with high extraversionmore regarding as important the collar and outline of enthusiasic clothing, with highagreeableness and high clothing involvement more regarding as important the gusset ofmild clothing, with high agreeableness and high clothing involvement more regarding asimportant the lenth of manliness clothing, with low clothing involvement more regarding asimportant the outline of general clothing, with low clothing involvement more regarding as important the lenth of bardian clothing, with high clothing involvement more regarding asimportant the shoulder of bardian clothing, with high clothing involvement more regarding asimportant the lenth of much graduational clothing, with high agreeableness more regardingas important the lenth of simple clothing, with low clothing involvement more regarding asimportant the outline of simple clothing.


