

A Study on Hu Shih’s Early Thought from the Stuggle

【作者】 张丽霞

【导师】 徐行言;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以晚清的白话报刊《竞业旬报》为切入点,以胡适在上面的编辑活动及发表的文章为依托进行早年思想的研究。考察了胡适的编辑思想、改良思想及他的文学实践活动,并对他早年思想的成因做了探究。早年胡适作为晚清“开启民智”中的一名智识分子,他是以高姿态为《竞业旬报》撰文和编辑的,所以论文不仅分析了他的编辑特色,还分析了改良者的期望与下等社会被动接受的矛盾关系。论文接着以胡适在该报上发表的文章为研究对象,着重分析他自己是如何参与到“开启民智”这场变革中的,这一时期的思想对他一生的思想又有怎样的影响。胡适是从“破”和“立”两个方面对下等社会启蒙的,对中国的旧风俗、野蛮思想猛烈的批判,对中国人缺乏的一些美德大加宣扬,这都是他受时代潮流影响的表现。论文还分析了早年胡适思想的成因。徽州的文化环境、上海的新式教育和他在中国公学接触到的那些“大朋友”让他具备了良好的个人修养。胡适的早年思想与成名后相比,显得不够成熟,哪种学说有利于挽救中国,就拿来用哪种学说。但该研究更为深远的意义在于能让我们更好地把握胡适思想的流变,并且从中看出晚清思想变革与五四新文化运动的连续性。

【Abstract】 This Paper take The Struggle which is the vernacular Chinese newspapers of the Late Qing Dynasty as the starting point,to make an consideration on HuShih’s early thinking depends on his edit and articles.in order to make an investigation of his editing thought, improved thinking, and literature practice,as well as the factor of his early thinking.As an intellectual to enlight the people of the late Qing Dynasty in his early years,When Hu Shih worked as an editor for The Struggle,it is a relationship between the superior and the inferior,This paper not merely an explanation of his editing features,but also an explanation of the contradictory relationship between the expectation of the improver and the acceptation of the doggery.Then this paper take the articles of Hu Shih published on The Struggle as the object of study,selectively analysised how himself participate in this transformation of enlightenment,and how the idea influence his whole life work.He used two methods to enlight the doggery,it is "destroy"and "establishment",he strongly criticized the old customs and the Savage thoughts,and called for the virtues which were not exist in China,and all these were manifestation of the influences to him. What’s more,this paper give an explanation to the causes of his early thinking,it is the cultural environment of Huizhou City,new educational system of Shanghai,and the well known friends he meat in the Chinese public schools,made him to be a culture man.Compared to the idea of his fame, it is not mature enough of his early years thinking.It is easily impact by the time. Taking its strengths to rescue China.The most significant purpose of this Paper is to master the transformation of his idea,and what’s more,to seek the continuity between the transformation of the thought in late Qing dynasty and May Fourth movement.

【关键词】 《竞业旬报》胡适早年思想连续性
【Key words】 The struggleHu Shihthinking of early yearsContinuity

