

Study on Risk Monitoring of Tunnel Construction

【作者】 张奇

【导师】 牟瑞芳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着我国加大了基础设施的投入,特别是高速铁路和高速公路的大量建设,隧道工程在整个工程项目中所占的比重也越来越大,通常是该项目的控制性工程。同时隧道施工具有隐蔽性大、施工工艺复杂、地质状况复杂、建设周期较长等特点,因而在隧道施工的过程中时有风险事故发生。为此本文以隧道施工单位在实际施工过程中的风险监控为背景进行研究,建立了一个简单、有效、经济的隧道施工阶段风险监控方法。本文首先对风险的本质、特性和度量进行了阐述与分析。接着介绍了隧道施工过程和常用的施工方法,并对隧道施工中可能出现的一些风险进行了相应的分析,提出了以隧道施工阶段的围岩形变这一风险因素作为监控的对象。然后阐述了在隧道施工阶段风险监控的概念、意义、内容和流程。隧道施工阶段风险监控主要分为风险监测和风险控制两个部分。风险监测包括监测目的、内容、监测方法、监测频率和监测数据处理分析。风险控制是在风险监测的基础上对其提供的监测信息进行分析评价,若隧道施工风险水平达到或者超过了事先设定的阀门值则立即发出预警信号,经风险管理人员确认后马上启动风险应急控制预案,采取相应的风险应对措施。风险处置完毕后继续进行监测,直到整个隧道施工建设工程完工为止。以隧道施工阶段风险监控流程为基础,使用Visual C#. NET2010、SQL Server2008和Flex3.0编制了隧道施工阶段风险监控系统,该系统包括:公告模块、施工标段模块、监测数据管理模块、预警与应急管理模块和系统管理模块等几个部分。同时将该系统应用到五城隧道施工阶段风险监控的实例中。应用的结果表明本文的研究成果隧道施工阶段风险监控系统在隧道工程项目施工的过程中具有一定的实用性。

【Abstract】 In recent years our country has increasd the investment of infrastructure.There are many tunnel need to be build.especially in the high-speed railway and highway construction. At the same time tunnel construction has the nature of concealment of large, complex construction technology, complex geological condition, construction cycle is long wait for a characteristic.So sometimes there is a risk of accidents in the tunnel construction. In this paper, in order to tunnel construction units in the actual construction process of risk control research background, a simple, effective, economic tunnel construction risk control method.First this paper analyzed the essence, characteristics and measurement of risk. Next it introduces the construction process of tunnel and commonly used construction method for tunnel construction, and may appear in some of the risk undertook corresponding analysis, put forward to the deformation of surrounding rocks of tunnel construction phase of the risk factors as a control object. Then it discussed the concept, significance, content and process of tunnel construction risk. Risk control is mainly divided into the risk monitoring and control of two parts. Risk monitoring include the purpose, content, method, frequency and data analysis. Risk control based on the monitoring information, if the tunnel construction risk level reaches or exceeds the preset valve value, the risk monitoring system immediately issued a warning signal.If warning signal is staffed by the risk management,we should starting the risk control plan immediately and take corresponding risk measures. After this, risk monitoring is continued, until the whole tunnel construction project is completed.Based on the risk control processes of tunnel construction, using the Visual C#. NET2010, SQL Server2008and Flex3compiled tunnel construction risk monitoring system, the system includes:the announcement of module construction module, data management module, monitoring, early warning and emergency management module and system management module and other parts. At the same time, the system is applied to urban tunnel construction risk control example.The results of application show that this tunnel construction risk monitoring system in tunnel engineering project construction process has a certain practical.


