

Study on the Evaluating Index System for Passenger Station Designs of Passenger Dedicated Lines

【作者】 张晋

【导师】 马驷;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的发展,铁路相关领域有越来越多的研究,应用了计算机技术带来的优势,铁路站场的计算机仿真模拟运用即是其中之一,尤其是这一时期,我国一直在进行着大规模的高速客运专线的建设,高速客运专线车站设计相比于既有客货混跑车站有更高的要求。车站初步设计完成后,应用计算机仿真技术对设计方案进行模拟运用,逐渐成为考察设计方案质量的一种有效手段。但是目前国内外的相关仿真运用都缺少系统化的、全方位的用来对仿真结果进行评估的指标体系。本文即基于上述背景,从客运专线客运站站场内主要运转设备的配置和布设角度深入,对站场设计方案评估时的指标进行了相关研究,主要包括了以下几方面:1.对站场设计时与车站运转作业紧密相关的技术标准进行了简单阐述,并对本文相关的研究条件做了相应的明确;对站场设备布置时的基础数据和主要参数进行了阐述,对相关的参数和数据进行了分析和处理,作为评估时的参数;2.基于站场初步设计方案,对设计方案的静态性能进行分析研究,其中主要包括站场总体布置及其评估、咽喉区长度对列车追踪间隔时间影响的解析检算、列车在站技术作业时间的解析核定、咽喉进路的静态性能评估、咽喉通过能力的静态评估、到发线设计的静态评估,建立了站场设计方案静态评估指标体系。3.对站场设计方案仿真运用的相关问题,做了明确性的阐述,主要包括仿真运用的内容和目的、仿真系统的开发思路和特点、以及仿真运用的具体技术过程等问题。4.基于站场设计方案的仿真运用,对设计方案在仿真方式下所能表现出的动态适应性进行分析研究,其中主要包括设计方案仿真的总体适应性(作业量完成)评估,列车间隔时间的仿真检算评估,咽喉设备及咽喉进路的适应性评估,到发场能力适应性评估,折返场和动车组出入段走行线的运用形式对能力的影响以及能力适应性的评估,建立了基于仿真运用的站场设计方案动态适应性评估指标体系。论文通过对客运专线客运站站场设计方案自身,及其仿真运用的深入分析,建立了一套较为完整的系统化评估指标体系,能够对大型客运专线客运站的站场设计方案,进行准确有效地、定性和定量评估,并提出有针对性的建议,用以指导设计方案的改进;同时,该指标体系还能够在一定程度上指导站场仿真算法设计和仿真软件的完善,从而形成“仿真输出指标,指标指导仿真”的良性循环。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology, superiority coming from computer technology is applied by more and more research in the related fields of railway. One is the simulation using of railway station. Especially in this period, a large-scale construction of PDL is on the way in our country. Design of stations for PDL needs higher requirements than the stations for the low-speed-level railway lines in which passenger trains and freight trains are running together. After finishing the initial yard design of station, its simulation using by computer technology is becoming an effective method to investigate the property of the design. However, now, a systematic, comprehensive index system which is used for evaluating the design’s simulation results, is lacked domestic and overseas.Based on the background above, this paper makes a study on the evaluating index for the station’s design. The study does a further research of deploying revolving equipment in passenger stations of PDL. It includes the following aspects:1. The technical standard of the station yard design and railway operation processes in station are expounded. At the same time, this paper dose clear and definite the study conditions. It expounds the basic data and major parameters in station yard design. Related parameters and data are analyzed and disposed as parameters for evaluating.2. Based on the initial design of station yard, the static performance of the design is researched, mainly including the overall arrangement for yard, analysis of the influence between the length of throat and the trains following-running blank, analysis of trains station-organization time, evaluation of the properties for routes, evaluation of the static capacity for the throat, evaluation of the number and available lengths for arrival-departure lines. After that, the static index system is established.3. An explicit description is given for the items of the simulation, including the contents and purpose, the developing thinking and features of the simulating system, and the specific process of the simulation.4. Based on the simulation of station yard design, the dynamical adaptability of the design which is brought up under the simulation of itself is researched, mainly including that the overall adaptability (trains work finished), checking for the trains following-running blank by simulation, evaluating the adaptability of the equipment and routes arranged, evaluating the capacity adaptability of all the arrival-departure yards, turn-back yards, lines used for EMU. Before that, the influence of capacity brought by the organizing forms of turn-back yards and lines used for EMU is deeply researched. At the end, the dynamical index system is established.By analyzing the station design itself and its simulation deeply, a complete, systematic evaluating index system is established. This system can provide an effective, precise, qualitative and quantitative evaluation for the design of terminal stations of PDL, with giving targeted advices which can guide the improvement of design. Besides, this index system can provide some help to improve the simulating algorithm and software, then a benign cycle which is that "simulation exports indexes,&indexes guide the simulation." can be set up.


