

The Research on Interior Floor Decoration Art from Han to Tang Dynasties’ Architectures

【作者】 高正

【导师】 张朋川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 课题简要介绍了建筑室内地面装饰的渊源,从宏观着眼、微观入手,通过把地面装饰置于室内环境设计的整体中,分析了建筑室内(尤其是墓室、窟室)地面装饰的观念,特别是“象天法地”的宇宙观。在此基础上,分门别类的论述了建筑室内地面装饰的各种形态。借助于相关考古文献和实地调查获得的实物资料,运用考古学的方法,重点对汉代和唐代主要宫殿等建筑遗址的模印铺地花纹方砖进行了分区、分类、分型、分式的科学整理和研究。基于汉代和唐代铺地花砖均具有鲜明的时代特征,故对两者进行了比较分析。条砖是另外一种类型的铺地砖,通过对条砖规格进行的统计分析可知,条砖的长宽厚均按一定比例烧造,这为其排列组合装饰地面创造了前提。基于此,课题对两晋南北朝时期条砖的组合方式和艺术特色进行了概括、总结。软质材料,如锦褥、席毯等也是室内地面装饰的重要形态,它是随着游牧民族入主中原而得到广泛使用的。课题通过相关文献和图像资料,对南北朝时期的铺地织物、唐代的地毯等的设计艺术进行了分析和总结,特别是对敦煌莫高窟壁画中的地毯图案进行了复原研究。同时,也分别对窟室、墓室中模仿地毯的地面雕刻、绘画等进行了研究。

【Abstract】 The issue briefly introduces the origin of Building indoor ground decoration andanalysis the concept of Building indoor ground decoration(especially the vault andGrotto room) by putting the indoor ground decoration into the whole indoorenvironment design. Based on this, the issue talks about different kinds of patterns ofthe building indoor ground decoration, especially the cosmic vision of “ModelingHeaven and Earth”. With the help of archaeology references and the data from fieldinvestigation, the issue classifies the paving brick in the sites of main palaces of HanDynasty and Tang Dynasty in archaeological ways. Tiling on the floor in Han Dynastyand Tang Dynasty are typical, so the issue compares they two. Narrow brick is anotherkind of floor tile, through the analysis of its standard, we can know that narrow birck’slength,width and thickness all have their constant proportion,and that is the premise ofmodular decoration of the floor. The issue drew a conclusion of the art feature of narrowbricks in jin and southern-northern dynasties. Soft materials like cotton quilt and seatsblanket are the another main form of indoor ground decoration, they were widely usedby people with the nomadic people’s migration from prairie to mainland. Consulting toreferences and graphic documents, the issue analysed the design art of the floorcloth insouthern-northern dynasties and Tang dynasty and concluded their characteristics, andmade researches on carpets in the wall painting of Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang, thesculptures and paintings which imitate the carpets included.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

