

Research on the Construction Technology of Debris Flow in the Liuhuanggou Incline of Qilianshan Tunnel

【作者】 柴聚奎

【导师】 王志杰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着西部山区铁路隧道的不断建设,隧道地质灾害也日益增多,由于西部地处高寒,岩体构造复杂,再加上山地广、水量多,这些特殊的地质条件和工程条件,使得隧道岩体的变形问题成为研究焦点,能否解决这一问题决定了隧道能否顺利施工。碎屑流作为一种特殊的地质灾害,它的出现,降低了围岩的自稳能力,并对周边岩体产生影响,从而造成隧道的坍塌,给施工人员的生命安全和设备安全造成直接威胁,也影响了整个隧道的施工进度。隧道穿越碎屑流地质是我国铁路隧道建设首次遇到的特殊地质,没有相应的理论基础,也没有相关的成功经验,因此必须根据现场实际情况,通过勘察调研,利用监测数据进行分析研究,了解其变形特性,研究出合理有效的施工措施,降低成本,保证施工安全,确保隧道的顺利完工。本论文以祁连山隧道硫磺沟斜井为实际工程背景,对斜井修建中遇到的碎屑流地层围岩变形问题,应用理论与实践相结合的方式,系统地研究碎屑流地层围岩变形特征,其研究工作和研究成果主要包括:●在工程地质勘察的基础上,利用祁连山隧道硫磺沟斜井已有的勘察设计资料,结合现场工程施工,对碎屑流地层围岩的工程地质背景做全面调查研究,分析碎屑流生成原因。●综合运用超前地质预报,采用TSP探测技术对前方进行地质预报,利用红外探水方法探测斜井前方的水体分布及含水构造,另外增加了水平钻孔,进行钻芯取样,更加准确地判定前方工程地质情况,为预加固方式和施工方法的选取提供地质依据。●对碎屑流进行了初步定义,在岩体力学和工程地质理论的基础上,依据现场勘查情况及监测数据,对碎屑流地层围岩变形破坏特征及其力学机制进行了分析归纳,提出针对隧道掌子面、涌水以及开挖支护的一系列处理措施,以确保隧道施工安全。●采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件建立三维有限差分地层-结构模型,利用德鲁克-普拉格(Drucker-Prager)塑性理论模拟斜井在碎屑流地层的开挖过程,得到碎屑流地层施工过程中的围岩变形,从而对其力学行为特性进行分析研究,得出碎屑流地层围岩在施工过程中的力学形态和变形特征,为碎屑流围岩施工提供相应的理论基础。●开展施工期间的围岩变形收敛监测,根据所得监测数据绘制收敛时间曲线和回归曲线,得到施工现场围岩实际变化形态,验证施工处理措施的合理性。

【Abstract】 With the construction of railway tunnels in the west, the tunnel geological hazards is also increasirg,as a result of western rock located in alpine、complex rock structure、broad moutains and abundant water. Research about rock deformation of tunnel is the hotspot in the engineering field.The resolution of rock deformation determines the smooth construction of the tunnels.Debris Flow is a kind of special geological disasters,which reduce the self-stability of the rock、influence the surrounding rock,lead to the collapse of the tunnel and pose a direct threat to the safety of equipment,also affect the entire progress of tunnel construction. Debris Flow is first encountered in the construction of our residential railway tunnels.we don’t have theoretical basis and relevant successful experience,so we must use the monitoring data analysis and unstand the deformation characteristics through researching in order to reduce the cost、ensure the safe construction and the smooth construction of the tunnels.Based on the engineering case of the Liuhuanggou incline in Qilianshan Tunnel, the paper studied on the deformation of the tunnel by using the theory combined with practice. The research work and results are shown as follows:· We must find out the reason of Debris Flow by using the existing survey information which based on the engineering geological investigation of the Liuhuanggou incline in Qilianshan tunnel and engineering construction.· To judge the engineering geological condition of the front surrounding rock by using advanced geological prediction which consist of TSP detection technology on the geological forecast,Infrared Acquisition Technology applied to detecte the water distribution and water bearing structure of the front surrounding rock,the addition of Horizontal Drilling which applied to get the rock samples.· The debris flow was defined.Based on the theory of rock mechanics and engineering geology,the addition of field investigation and monitoring data, a number of measures aiming at runnel construction face、water inrush and excavation supports were advanced to ensure the safety tunneling construction.· In order to direct tunnel construction across Debris Flow area,we need relevant theory about deformation characteristics and mechanical behavior in the process of tunneling construction by using the FLAC3d numerical simulation to build three-dimensional finte difference element model of stratum structure and the Drucker-Prager plastic theory to simulate the excavation process of the incline.· To carry out the surrounding rock convergence monitoring.according to the monitoring data we can draw convergence and regression line in order to get the actual changes in the construction site and validate the rationality of treatment project.


