

Research on the Influence of Adjacent Buildings Caused by Shield Tunneling in Pebble Strata and Its Controlling

【作者】 董小卫

【导师】 漆泰岳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在城市地下开挖隧道时,地面构筑物和地下管线密集,盾构施工过程中不可避免地会对地层产生扰动,它包括盾构对土体的挤压和松动、加载与卸载、孔隙水压上升与下降所引起土性的变异、地表隆起与下沉等,从而对地铁施工及既有地面建筑和地下管线等市政设施的安全性产生不利的影响。本文以成都地铁2号线(西延线)二期工程土建1标为工程背景,分别从理论分析、数值模拟、对现场实测数据的分析及施工中常采用的的工程措施等角度来研究隧道施工对建筑物的影响,完成的主要研究工作如下:(1)基于成都地铁2号线(西延线)二期工程具体情况,在砂卵石地层条件下对隧道下穿邻近建筑物进行动态施工数值模拟,通过地表沉降、结构内力及基础变形等方面的研究。同时,结合现场量测数据与数值模拟的对比分析,对数值模拟结果的正确性进行评估,从而得到建筑结构与隧道的相互影响规律。(2)阐述了地铁隧道施工对建筑物影响的评价原则和标准,为将隧道开挖的损害效应控制在合理范围内,总结建筑物安全控制标准制定的基本原则与具体实施方法。(3)结合成都地区特殊的地质情况,总结保证建筑物安全的盾构施工前后的工程措施与监控量测体系,为解决类似的盾构施工而引起的周边环境问题提供参考。

【Abstract】 When tunneling in the urban underground, surface structures and underground pipelines is very intensive, so the construction process will inevitably cause perturbations on the formation, which includes shield extrusion and loosening the soil, loaded with uninstallpore water pressure rise and fall.This will cause the soil properties change, surface uplift and subsidence, and these changes will adversely affect the safety of subway construction and the existing surface buildings and underground pipelines and other municipal facilities.This thesis bases on Chengdu Metro Line2(West Extension Line) Phase Ⅱ project in the first tenders of the civil. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of tunnel construction on the building from the theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, analysis of the perspective of the construction of field data and the often used engineering measures.The article mainly ineludes the following Parts:1. Based on the specific circumstances of the second phase project of the Chengdu Metro Line2(West Extension Line), to analyze the surface subsidence, the internal forces of structure and the deformations of foundations by numerical simulation when the tunnel is under construction through the surface buildings in pebble strat. Through comparative analysis of the field measurement datas and the numerical simulation, to check the correctness of the numerical simulation results,further to get the laws of the interaction of the buildings and tunnels.2. Discusses the evaluation principles and standards of the subway tunnel construction through the surface buildings, to control effecttly the damages to buildings within reasonable limits as the tunnel excavation,then to summarize the basic principles and the specific implementation measures of building safety.3. Combined with the special geological conditions in Chengdu, to conclude the engineering measures and monitoring and feedback system to ensure building safety before and after the shield construction, in order to provide a reference for the shield construction to solve the similar surrounding e environmental issues.


