

【作者】 王研

【导师】 汤逸佩;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 广播电视艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立以来,工业题材电影伴随着工业建设的兴起而出现,十七年期间,新中国电影史上也出现了一批斗志昂扬、无私奉献的一线建设者形象。在此期间,工业题材电影数量不断增多,1949年不足3部,1958年年产工业题材电影已超30余部,超越当年电影总产量的10%。题材表现领域也不断拓宽,从运输设施建设到煤铁石油的开采,从技术创新到增产赶超记录,从工人思想觉悟的提高到工人家庭的落后观念的转变,谱写了奋斗于各行各业的工人可歌可泣的感人故事。工人形象塑造也深深打上了那个年代的烙印,其身上整齐划一的激昂气概和热情似火的劳动热情,既具有史无先例的划时代政治意义,让那个时期的工人拥有着独特的审美品格,却无法避免意识形态的窠臼,在后期呈现出了概念化的趋势。

【Abstract】 Since the founding of new China, the industrial theme of thefilm accompanied by the rise of industrial construction.Amongthe17-year period,a number of high morale, selfless dedicationof first-line builders imeges appeared in the new Chinese filmhistory. During this period, the number of industrial Moviescontinue to increase, less than three in1949, but1958theannual output of industrial Movies exceeded30academic books,beyond10%of the total output of the year the film. Also thefield of subject matter performance was broaden,from theconstruction of transport facilities to the oil extraction ofcoal and iron,from technological innovation to increaseproduction to catch up with the record,from the improvement ofthe ideological consciousness of the workers, to thetransformation of the outdated concept of the worker’s family,written a numble of touching stories of the workers in all kindsof industries.Image of workers also deeply marked by the stigmaof that era,Enthusiasm for work of the workers had politicalsignificance as well as unique aesthetic character,but can notavoid the defects of ideology,revealed a conceptual trend inthe later.


