

Reform of Railway Transportation Enterprises Reorganization Project Research

【作者】 简维

【导师】 熊件根;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 多年来我国的铁路运输企业改革,没有从本质上摆脱和冲破计划经济的管理束缚,因而长时期形成运能紧张以及无法吸引境内外资金进入铁路领域,这些都与现存政企不分的管理体制有关。另外我国已加入世界贸易组织(WTO),按承诺铁路运输市场将逐步开放,可以预见未来的运输市场竞争将异常激烈,所有这些都迫切要求我国铁路运输企业加快改革重组步伐,提高自身综合竞争能力,以迎接这即将到来的严峻挑战。在此背景下本文通过对自然垄断理论、现代竞争理论和交易费用理论的分析以及国外铁路运输企业,特别是对日本、美国、欧盟(英国、法国、德国)等铁路运输企业改革重组的实践启示,依照网运分离运营以及组建企业集团的管理模式,在遵循政企分开,明确市场主体;引入竞争,提高运营效率;完整运输,提高服务质量;路网完整,调度集中统一;多元投资,促进铁路发展以及循序渐进,确保安全第一的原则之下,对我国铁路运输系统的政府铁路主管部门、铁路运输调度、铁路路网基础设施、中央铁路客运和货运企业进行了改革重组方案设计。这个方案不仅能很好地解决长期困扰我国铁路运输发展的深层次体制弊端和结构性矛盾,而且能合理地解决铁路运输基础设施中社会公益性与竞争性等问题;不仅能推进铁路运输市场化改革,而且还能有利于境内外资金投资铁路建设和经营,从而促进我国铁路运输企业的快速发展。

【Abstract】 Over the years our country the reform of railway transportation enterprises, It haven’t get rid of and break through the shackles of a planned economy management essentially, while the long period of time of the nervous operation and unable to attract domestic and foreign funds to enter the field of railways, it is involved in the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up. In addition, China has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), rail transport market will be gradually open as promised, in order to foresee the future transport market competition will be fierce, all of these have an urgent requirement to China’s railway transport enterprises to accelerate the pace of reform and reorganization, to improve our overall competitiveness, so as to meet the serious challenges of the upcoming.Under the background, this paper through the analysis of the natural monopoly theory, modern competitive theory and transaction cost theory, as well as foreign railway transport enterprise, Especially under the inspiration of the reform and reorganization of the railway transport enterprises in Japan, the United States, the European Union (Britain France, Germany) etc, in accordance with the separation of the Network and transport, and the formation of enterprise groups, follow the separation of government functions from enterprise management, and clear the main players in the market; Introduce competition improve operational efficiency; Complete transportation, improve service quality; Integrated road and network, centralized and unified scheduling; Diversified investment and promote railway development and the gradual improvement, under the principle of safety, program of the reform and restructuring of china’s railway transportation system was designed, include department in charge of railway under government, railway traffic control, railway network infrastructure, the central railway passenger and freight companies. This program can not only solve the deep-level system defects and structural contradictions have long plagued China’s railway transport development, and reasonable solution to the social welfare, and competitive rail transport infrastructure.This program can not only solve the deep-level system defects and structural contradictions that have plagued China’s railway transport development all the time, and reasonable solve the question of social welfare and competitive in railway transport infrastructure; Not only to promote rail transport market-oriented reforms, but also conducive to domestic and foreign capital investment in railway construction and operation, thus contributing to the rapid development of China’s railway transport enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F532
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】250

