

Protection Scheme for Electrical Conversion Equipment of Continuous Cophase Power Supply System

【作者】 张睿

【导师】 高仕斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 由于牵引供电系统结构和负荷的特殊性,产生了负序、无功和谐波以及存在“过分相”等问题,严重制约了高速、重载铁路的发展。采用基于电能变换设备的贯通式同相供电系统,可以消除负序、补偿无功并实现较小的谐波畸变率,不仅能从根本上解决牵引供电系统的电能质量问题,还取消了线路中的电分相,是一种理想的牵引供电形式。首先论文在介绍基于“背靠背”潮流控制器的同相供电系统的基础上,讨论了贯通式同相供电系统的结构原理以及实现方法,分析了其馈线调压和容量优化原理,给出了作为其核心的静止电能变换器的结构和变换原理,并提出了一种可行的贯通式同相供电方式下牵引变电所的主结构方案。静止电能变换器的控制可以分解成三相整流单元和单相逆变单元的控制,论文先后讨论了三相整流器和单相逆变器数学模型的建立以及控制系统的设计,并仿真分析了控制策略的正确性和可行性。然后对电能变换设备的各种可能故障情况进行了分析,讨论了静止电能变换器对三相整流变压器、单相升压变压器和馈线保护的影响。在此基础上,论文提出了一种能够满足电能变换设备保护选择性的保护方案,并为三相整流变压器、单相升压变压器和静止电能变换器设置了相应的保护配置。最后在MATLAB/Simulink中建立了贯通式同相供电系统的仿真模型,对其在纯有功负载、整流型负载、空载、负载突变情况下,以及三相整流变压器低压侧故障、静止电能变换器内部故障、牵引网故障情况下分别进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了贯通式同相供电系统的可行性和电能变换设备保护方案的正确性。

【Abstract】 The structure of electric traction power supply system and its single-phase load result in problems of negative sequence, reactive power, harmonics and crossing neutral sections, which seriously influence the development of railway high-speed and overloading. The continuous cophase power supply system based on electrical conversion equipment can eliminate negative sequence, compensate reactive power and achieve smaller harmonic distortion, not only fundamentally solve the power quality of traction power supply system, also eliminate neutral sections of the traction network, and is an ideal form of traction power supply.First, based on the introduction of cophase power supply system of the two single-phase converters, the composition and implementation of continuous cophase power supply system are discussed, the principle of feeder voltage regulation and capacity optimization are analyzed, the structure and transformation principle of static power converter are studied, and a feasible program of the main structure of traction substation under continuous cophase power supply system is proposed.The control of static power converter can be resolved into the control of three-phase rectifier and single-phase inverter, in the paper the establishment of mathematical model and control system design of the three-phase rectifier and single-phase inverter are discussed, then the correctness and feasibility of the control strategy are simulated and analyzed.Afterwards, a variety of possible fault to electrical conversion equipment are analyzed, and the influences of static power converter on three-phase rectifier transformers, single-phase stet-up transformer and feeder protection are discussed. Then, a set of protection scheme for electrical conversion equipment is presented, which can satisfy the selectivity of protection, furthermore, a corresponding protection scheme for three-phase rectifier transformer, single-phase stet-up transformer and static power converter is set.Finally, under MATLAB/Simulink continuous cophase power supply system is modeled, the operation behaviors of continuous cophase power supply system is simulated and analyzed in many conditions, such as pure active load operation, rectifier load operation, no-load operation, load changing operation, low-voltage side fault of three-phase rectifier transformers, static power converter fault and traction line fault. Simulation results show the feasibility of continuous cophase power supply system and the correctness of protection scheme for electrical conversion equipment.

  • 【分类号】TM46;TM922.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】97
  • 攻读期成果

