

The Design and Experimental Research of Maize Transplanting Mechanism Based on the Pot of Plant Fibre for Maize Technology

【作者】 刁海丰

【导师】 张伟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 玉米育苗移栽能够增加积温,防止低温冷害和春旱秋霜,进而提高玉米的产量和质量。现有的旱地移栽机多为半自动移栽机,工作效率较低,而全自动移栽机由于结构复杂、价格高而很难得到推广。玉米植质钵盘能够直接随秧苗进入泥土,有利于简化栽植机构的运动轨迹,但目前没有与之相适应的移栽机。本文在对玉米植质钵盘破坏方式研究的基础上,通过分析传统移栽机的工作原理,设计出一种适用于玉米植质钵苗移栽的行星齿轮栽植机构。该机构能够一次完成取苗、送苗和投苗动作,且结构简单、工作稳定。本文主要研究的内容及结论如下:(1)通过对玉米植质钵盘弯曲和剪切两种破坏方式实验结果的分析,找出玉米植质钵盘最佳的破坏方式,并据此设计了取苗机构。(2)借鉴现有移栽机的优缺点,根据玉米植质钵盘的物理特性和玉米移栽的农艺要求,设计出适用于玉米植质钵盘的栽植机构,论述了该机构的工作原理和结构组成,对机构进行了运动学分析。(3)以机构的运动学数学模型为基础,对栽植机构的优化参数进行选取,并推导出相应优化数学模型,利用优化方程分析参数变化对栽植机构结构的影响;利用VB和Matlab等编程软件实现各项参数的优化,并根据优化结果得出了单臂栽植机构要优于双臂栽植机构的结论。(4)建立栽植机构简化的三维模型,利用ADAMS进行运动仿真,对取苗机构的各项运动参数进行分析,确定取苗和投苗点的最佳位置和范围。(5)设计加工了单臂栽植机构;利用运动仿真得到各项运动参数,用于对试验的指导;在栽植机构试验台上测试栽植机构的取苗效果,找出设计缺陷。

【Abstract】 Seedling transplantation to corn can increase the temperature, prevent the chilling damage, springdrought and autumn frost, thereby improving yield and quality of maize. The semi-automatic transplanterwhich is the majority existing dryland transplanter presently is low working efficiency; while automatictransplanter is difficult to be popularized for its high prices and complex structures. Pot of plant fibre formaize can enter into the soil with the seedlings directly, beneficial to simplify the motion trajectory of plant-ing mechanism, but there is no transplanter in accordance with it at present.On the basis of the study of failure mode of the pot of plant fibre for maize, by analyzing the workingprinciple of traditional transplanters, the paper designed a planetary gear transplanting mechanism suitablefor the pot of plant fibre for maize, which can complete the movement of taking seedling, feeding seedlingand dropping seedling at one time, with simple structure and working stability. The main content and conclu-sions of this paper are as follows:(1)By analyzing the experimental results of bending and shearing failure test to pot of plant fibre formaize, the paper found out the best failure mode of the pot of plant fibre for maize and designed the takingseedling machinery.(2)Draw on the advantages and disadvantages of existing transplanter, based on the physical charac-teristics of pot of plant fibre for maize and agronomic requirements in maize transplanting, a transplantingmechanism has been designed suitable for pot of plant fibre for maize, whose working principle, structurecomponent and kinematics analysis of mechanism was discussed and analyzed.(3)Based on kinematics model of planting mechanism, the main optimization of parameters were se-lected and the optimization mathematical models which are used to optimized the structure of plantingmechanism were deduced. The main parameters were optimized by VB and Matlab and other programmesoftware. The conclusion that the single arm is better than both arms was verified by analyzing optimizationthe result.(4)Simplified3-D Model modeling of transplanting mechanism was established, the motion parame-ters of taking seedling machinery were analyzed by motion simulation based on ADAMS. The best range ofposition of taking seedling and dropping seedling were determined.(5)The single arm transplanting mechanism was designed, the kinematical parameters which wereobtained by motion simulation were used to test guidance test. The effects of taking seedlings were verifiedon planting test bed, and the design defect was found out.


