

The Siting of Prefabricated Beam Field and Production Optimization of Large Construction Projects

【作者】 王铮

【导师】 周国华;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展和建筑技术的逐步提高,越来越多的大型项目被提上建设的日程中。在大型建设项目的建设过程中,预制梁的生产在很多项目中对工程都起着至关重要的作用。预制梁场作为预制梁的生产基地,其选址和布局在一定程度上除了能对生产活动产生直接影响外,还对工程单位的经济效益、国家土地资源的节约等诸多因素产生直接的影响。在梁台选址方面,按照科学的梁场选址原则进行梁场的选址,可以有利于生产的顺利进行,同时也可以方便后续的预制梁运输使用等诸多环节。而决定梁场内部生产的关键因素则是梁场内部的布局,合理科学的优化梁场内部布局,特别是对梁场内部梁台的优化设置,是梁场内部优化布局的核心所在。在现今的工程实践中,大多数梁场在选址和布局时都遵从的是传统的以经验为主的布局方法,这种方法在使用效果上由于经历了大量实践的检验基本可以满足要求,但是在很多细节上通过科学的优化还有很多的提升空间。特别是现在的工程项目有很多都具有项目影响巨大、工程量大、工程复杂等特点,在很多控制性节点工程上要求较高,这个时候传统的选址和布局方法在很多地方就不能胜任,因此找到一种科学合理的优化方法,对梁台布置进行优化是很有必要的。本文在深入研究国内外相关文献的基础上,先从外围梁场的整体选址着手,首先探讨了预制梁场的选址问题,在介绍预制梁场的厂址类型的基础上,分析了预制梁场选址的选址原则和对选址起重要影响的相关因素。而后进入本文的核心,大型建设项目粱场的布局设计和优化,从理论出发,在有充分的理论依据的前提下,对大型建设项目梁场的布局优化设计建立相应的优化模型,为了检验模型的有效性,选取了无锡东梁场作为实例对模型进行应用检验,结果证明通过模型优化后的梁场布局比传统的布置方法有一定程度的改进,在现实中是切实可行并且有效的。

【Abstract】 With the gradual improvement of the socio-economic development and building technology, more and more large-scale projects on the construction schedule. In the process of building large-scale construction projects, the production of precast beams in many projects of the project plays a vital role. Precast beam as a production base for precast beams, the location and layout in addition to a direct impact on production activities to a certain extent, also the economic benefits of the engineering units, the conservation of national land resources, and many other factors have a direct impact. Site selection in the beam, the beam field site in accordance with the scientific field of the beam location principle, can be conducive to the smooth production, but can also facilitate the subsequent use of precast beam transport and many other areas. The key factor in decision to the internal production of the beam field is the internal layout of the beam field, the internal layout of reasonable scientific optimized beam field, especially within the beam field beam station optimized settings, optimize the layout of the core within the beam field. In modern engineering practice, most of the beam field in the location and layout are to comply with the traditional experience-based layout method, this method is in the effect of the experience of a large number of the test of practice to meet the basic requirements, but in many details by the optimization of science there are a lot of room for improvement.Projects now have a huge impact of the project, project volume, project complexity, higher requirements on the controlling node works, the traditional location and layout of this time in many places can not do, Therefore, to find a scientific and rational optimization method, it is necessary to optimize the beam arrangement. On the basis of in-depth study of relevant literature, start with the peripheral beams of the overall site to proceed, first discussed the precast beam the location of the problem, introduced precast beam field site type based on the analysis of the precast beam the field site location principles and site play an important factor. And then into the core of this paper, the beam field of the large construction projects, layout design and optimization, from the theory, under the premise that there is sufficient theoretical basis, the optimization design of the beam field layout of the large-scale construction projects to establish the corresponding optimization model, in order to test the model the effectiveness of selected Wuxi East beam field application test model as an example, results show that a certain degree of improvement than the traditional layout of methods through the beam field in the model optimized layout, in reality, is feasible and effective.

  • 【分类号】TU71
  • 【下载频次】104

