

Independent Photovoltaic Power Generation System Control Strtegy Based on FPGA

【作者】 吴修权

【导师】 杨小雪;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电路与系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 能源面临危机,但经济依然要发展,对新能源的研究成了热门话题。太阳能发电因其储量丰富、洁净能源等特点得到广泛关注。但在太阳能发电研究的初期还面临着诸多的问题,如光伏电池成本高,发电效率低等,这些问题严重制约着太阳能发电的发展。提高太阳能发电的效率、降低成本是目前情况下解决这些问题的主要途径。本系统为独立光伏发电系统,其中每一部分的控制可以相对独立,因此采用FPFA作为控制器,将每一部分作为一个模块并行控制,提高系统的速度。在PVsyst软件中对系统整体进行分析;在Pspice中进行外围硬件电路仿真;在quaitus ii中编写Verilog HDL语言进行硬件控制系统程序设计和波形仿真,并在DE2开发板上运用SignalTap_II逻辑分析仪进行在线验证。本文研究的主要内容包括:(1)通过需求分析选择了独立光伏发电系统的运行方式。(2)为提高光伏电池的转换效率设计了太阳光跟踪系统。通过仿真分析选择单轴跟踪系统,验证了光伏电池作为光照强度传感器的可行性。采用步进电机作为执行部件,只需检测光照强度一个信号就能实现光线跟踪控制。(3)通过检测光伏电池输出功率,采用以开关管占空比为调节量的基于模糊控制的扰动观察法,在BOOST电路上实现最大功率跟踪,提高光伏组件的输出功率。(4)以稳定直流母线电压为主目标,选用双向DC/DC变换器对蓄电池进行充放电控制,实现蓄电池组件、光伏电池组件与负载之间的电能管理。其中,以占空比值为条件控制充放电过程转换,实现了平稳过渡。(5)采用推挽电路实现直流母线的升压,通过调节占空比实现闭环控制,实现输出电压的稳定。其中,采用两个相互对称的调制波与同一三角载波控制输出两路控制信号,省略了死区时间的设置。(6)采用单极性SPWM技术,在全桥电路上实现逆变,并通过调节调制比实现电压闭环控制,实现输出电压的稳定。

【Abstract】 New energy research has become a hot topic.Because even if the energy is facing a crisis, but the economy is still to be developed. Solar power because of its rich reserves clean energy etc has been widespread concern. Early in the study of solar power also faces many problems, such as the high cost of photovoltaic cells, low power generation efficiency,these problems have seriously restricted the development of solar power. Improve the efficiency of solar power and reduce costs is the main way to solve these problems in the present circumstances.This system is a stand-alone PV power generation system, in which each part of the control can be relatively independent, Therefore FPFA as the controller. Each part as a module to control,in parallel to improve system speed. Pspice in the conduct peripheral hardware circuit simulation; written in quartus ⅱ Verilog HDL language for hardware control system programming and waveform simulation, and DE2development board to use SignalTap_Ⅱ logic analyzer for online authentication.In this paper, the main content:(1) Select the operating mode of the stand-alone PV power generation system by needs analysis.(2) Sunlight tracking system designed to improve the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Simulation analysis to select the single-axis tracking system to verify the feasibility of photovoltaic cells as light intensity sensor. By a stepping motor as the implementation of the components, only to detect a signal of the light intensity can be achieved ray tracing control.(3) Through the detection of PV cells output power, the switch duty cycle adjust the amount of perturbation and observation method based on fuzzy control, the BOOST circuit to achieve maximum power tracking, and improve the output power of PV modules.(4) The main goal, to stabilize the DC bus voltage to selected bi-directional DC/DC converter to control the charging and discharging of the battery through the line, battery components, photovoltaic electricity between the battery components and load management. Among them, the duty cycle value terms control the charging and discharging process conversion to achieve a smooth transition.(5) Push-pull circuit to achieve the boost of the DC bus by adjusting the duty cycle to achieve closed-loop control, the output voltage stable. Among them, the two symmetric modulation wave with the same triangular carrier control the output of two control signals, and omitted the dead time settings.(6) Unipolar SPWM inverter full-bridge circuit, and by adjusting the scheduling value voltage closed-loop control, the stability of the output voltage.

  • 【分类号】TM615;TP273
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】238
  • 攻读期成果

