

【作者】 张郑冉

【导师】 殷际英;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当前使用的6自由度工业机器人是主要依靠示教编程工作的第二代机器人,该型机器人在遇到规划轨迹与实际轨迹发生偏差的问题后无法自行调节。解决上述问题的有效方法是使该型机器人具有轨迹修正和轨迹再生成的功能。由于HP6机器人系统具有知识产权保护,其既有系统功能不接受非授权改变,因此无法引用其他已有成果获得轨迹再生成功能。本论文采取在MOTOMAN6自由度电弧焊接机器人的基础上加装视觉传感器,通过监测机器人实际运动轨迹与规划轨迹的偏差,并通过对机器人运动误差进行修正的方法,最终得出修正后的新路径。(1)本文在实验室购买的首钢MOTOMAN公司生产的HP-6弧焊机器人基础上用3次多项式差值法对机器人运动进行了轨迹规划,并在计算分析的基础上,利用Matlab Robotics tool工具箱对机器人运动路径进行分析和仿真。(2)计算出MOTOMAN6自由度机器人的雅克比矩阵,建立机器人速度控制的理论基础,找到适合的机器人在纠偏过程中的速度控制方法,通过实验定量分析HP6机器人的纠偏电压与纠偏量的关系,并在此基础上对机器人纠偏路径进行研究。(3)对安装有光学传感器的机器人纠偏运动轨迹进行理论分析,并基于机器人视觉系统运用图像获取、图像二值化、图像拟合等图像处理和数学算法,得到机器人运动路径的检测、误差分析和误差修正的方法,并在图像分析的基础上将所得信息通过MOTOCOM32通信系统与NX100控制器连接来修正机器人运动轨迹。(4)在前面的分析结果基础上,使用VC++编写视觉机器人纠偏系统软件,并通过实验得出在该纠偏方法下对机器人运动轨迹追踪的有效性和精确性,并在此基础上进行误差分析。

【Abstract】 The current use of6degrees of freedom industrial robot is mainly a second-generation robot rely on teach programming,the robot in the face of planning trajectory and actual trajectory deviation can not be self-regulation, and therefore of MOTOMAN six degrees arc welding robot based on the installation of visual sensor, through the monitoring of the actual robot trajectory planning trajectory deviation, to find the error compensation method of robot movement, and eventually come to the new path after optimization improvements, this article by6degrees of freedom robot trajectory deviations occur on the deviation of the amendment then generated by the robot trajectory.Firstly, the Shou gang MOTOMAN company purchased in the laboratory production of HP-6arc welding robot based on robot trajectory planning with cubic polynomial method, and calculation on the basis of the analysis, then use matlab robotics toolbox for analysis and simulation the robot motion path.Secondly, in calculating the robot Jacobian matrix to obtaining the speed control of robot correction process, and on this basis to optimize the robot corrective path.Thirdly, theoretical analysis and correcting the trajectory of the optical robot, use the image edge for robot vision, based on image binarization processing and mathematical algorithms to find the robot motion path detection, error analysis and error correction method.Finally, in the preceding analysis based on the results, using VC++to write vision Robot correction system software, and the robot trajectory tracking the effectiveness of the correction method and accuracy obtained by experiment, and concluded..


