

【作者】 熊明

【导师】 王小斌;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑是凝固的音乐,是石头的史书,是住人的机器,更是人类文化的结晶。建筑的历史可以追溯到居住建筑,不管何时何地,民居建筑都是建筑的主体,在所有的建筑物中占据了相当大的数量。摩梭人居住的永宁地区,位于滇西北高原,是多种不同文化的交汇点,在历史上是著名的滇、川、藏茶马古道的重要枢纽和商品物资集散地,并且也是川、滇两省三县的主要经济贸易重镇,在区域经济发展中有着重要的地位和作用。在如此特殊的自然环境、社会文化背景和经济基础的影响下,产生了具有地域民族特色的摩梭民居建筑。本文选取永宁地区摩梭民居建筑为研究对象,以往对于摩梭的研究比较集中于民族学、人类学和民俗文化等领域,对于民居方面的研究比较少,而对于民居建筑单体方面的研究则少之又少。民居建筑作为最广泛的传统建筑类型与物质空间载体能够更好地承载并沿袭着该地区的地域文化。永宁地区的摩梭民居建筑以其独特的历史人文价值和鲜明的民族特色而在云南丰富多彩的民居建筑类型中占有非常重要的一席之地。要研究摩梭民居建筑,就必然要从其建筑形式与文化入手,在历史的舞台上,民居建筑的形式和文化是互相影响、互相制约从而达到共同发展的两个重要因素,民居建筑在形成与发展的过程中,要经过政治、文化、经济、习俗、伦理、宗教信仰等各方面的综合作用。笔者在前人研究成果的基础上,通过史料的整理与分析和实地调研、测绘,系统性地归纳总结了摩梭民居建筑的特点和其形成的诸多方面原因,并为今后的建筑创作提供传统建筑元素和建筑造型词汇方面的参考。最后考虑到摩梭民居建筑所面临的现代社会生活的挑战,结合笔者参与的永宁地区摩梭民居建筑单体改造的实例,提出了摩梭民居建筑的保护与更新改造思路和设计方案,为今后摩梭民居建筑的保护与更新改造提供了一些值得借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 Architecture is caky music, stony historical book, machine house even the crystallization of human culture. The history of architecture originated from residential buildings. No matter when and where you are, residential buildings are the main body of construction, which account for a substantial quantities of buildings. Yongning area, lived by Mosuo, lies in the plateau of the northwest of Yunnan province. It is also the marginal intersection of different culture, the significant key position and material distribution center of the famous Tea Horse Road across Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet in history, as well as the important city of Sichuan and Yunnan province, which plays a crucial role in the development of regional economy. Under the influence of such special natural environment, sociocultural background and economic foundation, Mosuo residential buildings with geographic and ethnic characteristics come into being.The paper selects Mosuo residential buildings in Yongning area as the study object. The researches about residents in the fields of ethnology, anthropology and folk culture are weak, nor the aspect of single building. Residential buildings act as the most widly kinds of traditional architecture, which can better carry and follow region culture. With its unique historical culture and distinguishing ethnic feature, Mosuo residential buildings in Yongning area play an important role in the rich type of residential buildings of Yunnan.If you want to study the Mosuo buildings, you must start from theirs architectural forms and cultures, which interact and interplay each other to achieve common development in historical stage. During the process of the formation, development, and evolution of residential construction, They are formed by the aspects of economy, politics, culture, customs, ethics and religious faith.Based on the previous research achievements, the writer summarizes the feature of Mosuo buildings and the reasons of its formation by collecting and analysising the historical data, on-the-spot investigation, mapping and taking pictures, which provide traditional architectural elements and building vocabulary reference for the future architectural creation. Finally, considering the Mosuo buildings facing the challenge of the modern society, and combining the study that the writer participates in the retrofit of Mosuo residential buildings in Yongning area, the writer puts forward the ideas of protection and renewal transformation on the Mosuo buildings, which supplying some replicable experiences in the future.


