

The Design of Ethernet Private Line Access Based on SDH

【作者】 刘艳华

【导师】 田红芳;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的迅猛发展,IP技术已经逐渐占据了数据传输技术的主导地位。目前,宽带网络客户终端基本上采用的都是无线以太网口或有线以太网口,而网络中心侧的设备,如交换机,路由器等,也同样是以以太网为主要技术的。以太网信号以前主要采用PDH与协议转换方式传送,由于转换器厂家众多,没有统一的技术标准,因此导致互通性差,业务扩展困难。本系统主要定位于宽带网络接入系统,实现在不更换原有设备并能够扩展以太网业务的情况下,取消信号传输过程中的协议转换环节,将以太网信号直接转换为SDH信号,提高系统的互通性。本课题是基于SDH进行的设计,可通过网络管理操作系统进行控制的以太网专线传输设备。整个网络管理系统主要是针对网络设备进行监控、配置,故障诊断等操作。针对以太网专线传输设备的需求,重点考虑了端口、远端、业务配置、交换功能、告警与处理、性能查询等部分,完成网络管理中的以太网光端口的相应配置。并完成了对以太网电信号的PHY层和MAC层处理、维护2K个MAC地址表、实现16个VLAN划分、完成GFP数据包的封装和映射、完成CPLD的12C控制、设备信息扫描控制、地址译码部分、CPU读写操作、数据8/16位转换、面板指示灯控制、telecom bus,总线控制。

【Abstract】 With fast development of the Internet, the IP technology has taken up the leading position data transmission technology. Nowadays, most of wide band network custom clients take wireless or wired Ethernet as network interfaces, and devices in network centre, such as router and switch, use Ethernet too. In the past, Ethernet signals are transmitted mainly by PDH and protocols converter, and this way is neither to interconnect, nor convenient to extend. Because there are many manufactures that produce converters, and there is no unified technology standard, this leads to interconnect of Ethernet is poor, and service extend is hard.This paper caters to the system of accessing broadband network, implements covert Ethernet signals to SDH signals directly, cancels protocols converting during transmitting, and this can meet that we do not need replace original devices. This improves system interconnect heavily. This paper designs the system based on SDH, it is a special line transmitting device which implements control by network manage operating system. The whole network management system is designed mainly for monitoring, configuring, fault diagnosing network devices. For the need of transmitting devices of Ethernet special lines, this paper takes ports, far-ends, service configuration, swapping function, alarm reporting and handling into account, finishes relative configuration of optical Ethernet ports of network management. This paper finishes processing PHY layer and MAC layer of Ethernet electrical signals, maintains2K address tables, implements16VLAN partitions, finishes packaging and mapping GFP data packets, completes the CPLD I2C control, device information scanning control,address decoding, CPU read and write operations, data8/16conversion, panel lights control, the telecom bus bus control.

【关键词】 以太网SDH专线接入网络管理
【Key words】 EthernetSDHPrivate Line AccessNetwork management

