

【作者】 袁善祥

【导师】 吴永林;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪60年底开始,对企业战略管理的实践与研究开始慢慢兴起并迅速发展和广泛运用于各个领域,实践证明取得了非常好的效果。一个企业的战略管理研究要从这个企业的优劣势分析开始,根据对这个企业外部机会与威胁的分析,为这个企业编制符合这个企业现状的发展战略,并得出这个企业战略实施的各种措施。济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司是一家新成立不久的饮料企业,与其他同类企业一样有内部的优势和劣势,外部的威胁和机会,尤其是在现在饮料行业竞争日趋惨烈的情况下,非常有必要对这个企业进行研究并制定发展战略。本文通过对济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司进行深入调研发现其出现的问题,并根据发现的问题开展了分析和研究。第一阐述了PEST分析方法、战略构成理论、企业发展战略、波特五力竞争模型、SWOT分析方法等部分的理论和方法,为这篇论文的写作铺垫了坚实的理论基础。第二通过对济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司面对的企业内部资源能力和外部环境做了全面深入的分析,得出了济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司的内部优势和劣势,外部机会和威胁。在这个前提下用SWOT分析方法只做了济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司的战略分析矩阵及SWOT表、内部因素分析表、外部因素分析表,同时依据分析结果,总结出了济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司的发展战略。其战略为:SWOT分析中的W0战略,明确产品定位,走差异化发展之路,也就是:引导企业持续不断的开发新产品、不断开拓新市场、采用先进的生产方式和管理方式,寻求与其他企业不通的路子。最后,围绕企业的战略目标和定位,对济南幸福泉生态饮品有限公司的发展战略所采取的措施进行了深入的研究和分析,这些措施包括:推动生态饮料行业进一步调整,坚持走差异化发展之路;做好广告宣传,加大品牌的塑造力度;整合各种资源,拓宽营销渠道;加强企业文化建设,打出“幸福泉”文化品牌。最后总结全文,提出结论意见。

【Abstract】 The strategic management research emphasize that find out the advantage and disadvantage of the company, combine the exterior opportunity and threaten analysis of the company, to find out a development strategy for the company, and carry out. The fulfillment and research of strategic management rose in1960’s, developing quickly and having been applied to each realm extensively, and obtaining very obvious result in recent years.As Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company is a drinks enterprise, existing the advantage and disadvantage in the same way, exterior opportunity and threaten, especially under the circumstance of the beverage industry competition currently, to carry on studying of its development strategy is especial importance.This text is aiming at the problem which exists in Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company, to launch an analytical research of Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company’s development strategy from following several aspects. Firstly, elaborate diversified management basic theories and method of strategy, Porter five forces competitive model, PEST analysis method, SWOT analysis method and other aspects of basic theories and methods laid a theoretical foundation for the writing of the full text. Secondly, comprehensively analysis of Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company facing the external environment and internal resource. The paper find out the internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of the Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company. The thesis list the table of IFAS、EFAS、SFAS、SWOT and set out the development strategy is taking the road of differentiation, guide enterprises to continuously develop new products, develop new markets and new production methods and management, and walking other enterprises differentiate development. Thirdly, focus on the strategic positioning and goals, analysis and research on the measures taken by Jinan happy spring ecological drinks company. These measures are to promote the beverage industry to adjust, take the road of differentiation; do a good job of advertising increase the intensity of a brand; integrate various resources, expand marketing channels; to strengthen the building of enterprise culture, and played "Happy spring" cultural brand. Finally, sum up full text, put forward a conclusion opinion.

  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】80

