

New College Sports Versatility of the Building and Its Design Application

【作者】 张崴

【导师】 吴正旺;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 建筑设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 高等院校的建设一直以来都是国家教育发展战略的重点。近二十年来,高校规模的急剧扩大与土地资源紧缺的矛盾日益突出,因此对高校体育建筑的发展提出了新的要求。此时,对新建高校体育建筑的通用性进行研究,在节约土地的同时提高其利用效率,有利于高校事业可持续、健康发展。论文以新建高校体育建筑的通用性为研究对象,以理论结合实践的研究方法对高校体育建筑的功能整合、空间高效利用和场馆的对外开放等几个方面进行了实证研究。并采取历史归纳研究法、文献综述研究法、系统分析研究法对相关理论进行了梳理,同时通过真实案例调研与实际工程项目设计相结合对研究的主要观点进行了印证。论文由四部分组成:第一为绪论部分,论述了本文的研究对象、研究框架和研究意义,总结了该领域的研究现状,并对论文涉及的相关概念进行界定;第二部分在对高校体育建筑研究文献进行综述后,对国内外高校体育建筑的发展历程进行了梳理,明确了新建高校体育建筑所面临问题和挑战。在借鉴了密斯“少就是多”、“流动空间”以及“通用性空间”等理论的基础上,本文进而提出了高校体育建筑通用性的概念——高校体育建筑中某一空间在不同时间段内根据使用者的需要转化其空间功能的灵活性;或某一时间段内同时满足两项及两项以上高校体育、文艺、集会等活动要求并可供不同人群使用的能力;在以上分析、研究的基础上,本文第三部分系统地提出了基于整合设计理论对高校体育建筑进行通用性设计的基本模式:即基于功能多用、空间高效和开放共用的三个通用性设计策略;第四部分为作者在校期间参与的北方工业大学新建体育综合楼实际工程项目,在该项目中作者尝试了运用通用性设计策略的理论方法,探讨了以通用性空间设计策略进行高校体育建筑设计的可行性,并分析了其发展趋势。为新建高校体育建筑的通用性设计提供了具体的实证,也为日后的高校体育建筑设计提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 The construction of institutions of higher education has always been the focus of national education development strategy. Past two decades, colleges and universities the size of the rapid expansion of the contradiction between the shortage of land resources have become increasingly prominent, and put forward new requirements for the construction of the development of university sports. At this point, the research building on New College Sports versatility to improve their use efficiency in land conservation, college career sustainable and healthy development.Functional integration of the papers to the versatility that the new college sports building for research, theory and practice of college sports building, space efficient use of empirical research and venues opening up. Inductive study method and take the history, literature review, research method, system analysis method of the sort the theory through real case research and project design is the combination of the main points of the study confirmed.Paper consists of four parts:the first is the introduction part, discusses the object of this paper, the research framework and research significance, summary of current research in the field, and paper involved the concept defined; the second part of college sports building research articles were reviewed, the course of development of the domestic and international university sports building comb, clear the new college sports building facing problems and challenges. Borrowed from Mies’less is more "," space of flows "and" universal space "based on the theory, this article puts forward the concept of the College Sports architectural versatility-a space in the college sports building at different time within according to the needs of users into the functional flexibility of its space; or a period of time at the same time meet the requirements of more than two and two university sports, arts, gatherings, and other activities and available for use by different groups of people; in the above analysis, on the basis of the study, the third part of this paper proposed the basic model of college sports building universal design based on the integration of design theory:the fourth part of the multi-function, space-efficient and open shared three general design strategy; North China University of participation in school during the actual engineering of the new sports building projects in the project of attempts to use of the theory of universal design strategies to explore the feasibility of a universal space design strategies and architectural design of the College Sports and its development trend. Universal design for the new college sports building to provide specific evidence, and also provides a new approach to architectural design for the future college sports.


