

Discourse about Y Uan Za-ju’s Keeping in Kunqu Opera

【作者】 李良子

【导师】 周秦;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 元杂剧是我国戏曲发展史上的第一个高峰。但从戏剧的角度来讲,元杂剧现今的状态是僵死和残缺的,它的舞台生命依托于昆剧方得以延续。依托魏良辅改革的新声昆山腔,昆剧以折子戏的形式成功的吸纳和保存了一部分元杂剧剧目,即昆唱元杂剧。这些剧目尽管已不是元杂剧的原始面貌,但相对而言却是最完整、最忠于原著的表现方式,也是窥探元杂剧原貌的一个比较可靠的途径。目前可见于舞台的昆唱元杂剧共18折,经过了数代传承和发展已基本定型。本文试图通过曲谱、台本和现今演出的对照,理出昆唱元杂剧发展和传承的脉络。昆剧吸纳元杂剧的过程中,通过曲牌的整合和调整、情节的集中化和舞台实践中的不断演绎推动着传统剧目的流变。同时,元杂剧特有的北人豪迈之风和与之相匹配的题材选择和角色塑造又与昆剧文雅温柔的风格互补,对昆剧的音乐表现力、角色行当的发展和表现领域的拓宽都有着积极的影响。元杂剧对昆剧的影响亦表现在文本的继承和音乐体制如联套方式等方面的借鉴。昆唱元杂剧与这类元杂剧因子的留存基本将昆剧中可见的元杂剧元素尽收网底。对元杂剧与昆剧的发展传承都有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Yuan za-ju is the first Develop summit of Chinese tranditional opera. Its ways ofperformance and singing has passed away for long time. However, there are somerepertoires of Yuan za-ju are still performanced in Kunqu Opera. Because of “the new typeof Kunshan tune”which was reformed by Wei Liangfu, repertoires of Yuan za-ju can beabsorded by Kunqu Opera, in the form of excerpts. They are called “Yuan za-ju which isplayed in Kunshan tune”.Although they are not the original appearance of Yuan za-ju, theyare the most completely types alive, even the most familier with the scripts of Yuan za-ju.From this repertories, we can speculate the original appearance of Yuan za-ju reliable.Now there are18repertories still played. After several generations, they are almostdetermined.This paper try to find the way of development and inheritance of the repertories bycontrast the collection of tunes, the records of performance in history and the performancenow. During the process of Yuan za-ju absorded by Kunqu Opera, Qupai wereintegrating, the plot was concentrating, the performance was changing. Then thetranditional repertories were developing and changing gradually. Yuan za-ju formed innorth of China, so its character is heroic, its figures and plots are all fixed with thecharacter. This character and the character of Kunqu Opera are complementary. It makesthe music, role and content of Kunqu Opera improve and expand.Besides, Yuan za-ju’s influence in Kunqu Oprea also including the texts and the roleof music. This kind of influence and the repertoires mentioned above nearly cover all ofYuan za-ju factors in Kunqu Opera. They are very impotent in the research both in Yuanza-ju and Kunqu Opera.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

