

Jade Hairpin under the Perspective of Kunqu Opera

【作者】 周立言

【导师】 周秦;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 陈妙常的故事来源于宋元时期的民间传说,后经文人改编为元杂剧《张于湖误宿女贞观》以及话本小说《张于湖传》。明代文人高濂在前人基础之上,创作出著名传奇《玉簪记》。他虽取法前人,但不落窠臼,在作品中融入了反封建及反宗教戒律的思想,为这一传统的才子佳人故事谱上了人性的色彩。传奇《玉簪记》新奇的剧本结构和喜剧性使得这部作品跻身于明传奇最优秀的作品之中。而作品中女主人公陈妙常的人物形象历经了杂剧和话本的演变,在此部作品中被赋予了新的特征,她既区别于同是为爱情而奋不顾身的崔莺莺,也区别于同是出家人而向往爱情的小尼姑色空,具有其独特性。《玉簪记》的价值不仅仅体现在文本上,更体现在舞台表演方面。从明末清初到民国时期,《玉簪记》盛演《琴挑》、《问病》、《偷诗》、《秋江》等折子戏,历代昆剧表演艺人对这些折子戏的加工,使得这些折子戏成为经典。而将这些经典的折子戏串联成一台小本戏更是后来的很多剧团的演出形式。近五十年来,《玉簪记》的演出一直长盛不衰,江苏省昆剧院,上海昆剧团等都曾将《玉簪记》故事搬上昆曲舞台,赋予其新的生命力。而新世纪以来,白先勇精心策划的苏州昆剧院版《玉簪记》的上演,更是让我们看到了“昆曲新美学”的力量和新时代昆曲的魅力。

【Abstract】 “Chen Miaochang” story source came from the folklore between the Song and Yuandynasty. When it entered in the literature domain, it received writer’s attentioncontinuously, and it had been reorganized for literary styles such as Zaju and novel. GaoLian, who lived in Ming dynasty, broke through the predecessor pattern and used thecomedy form reorganized it to “The Jade Hairpin”, which is known as one of the “top tenclassical comedies of China”. Gao Lian has poured the counter-religious idea aboutBuddhist monastic rules and the feudal Confucianism into “The Jade Hairpin” whichcolored the traditional story with genius and beauty.The thought value and comedy art which “The Jade Hairpin” has causes it to becomeone of the most outstanding works in the development phase of the opera. The characterimage of the heroine Chen Miaochang has undergone the evolution of Zaju and Drama,and then it has been given a new feature in this work. The value of “The Jade Hairpin” isnot only reflected in the text but also reflected in the performance on the stage. From thelate Ming dynasty and the early Qing dynasty to the Republic, the performers of Kunquopera had played many pieces of “The Jade Hairpin”, such as "Repartee of the Zithers”,"Visiting the Sick","Stealing the Poem","The lovers Farewell" and other excerpts verywell. These ancient Kunqu Opera performers had tried their best to advance these excerpts,and to make these excerpts classical.In the past fifty years, the performances of "The Jade Hairpin" have been very popular.They were continually restaged or rewritten by theaters such as The Kun Opera Theater ofJiangsu Province, Shanghai Kunqu Opera and Suzhou kunqu Opera Theater.What theyhad done give “The Jade Hairpin” a new vitality In the new century, a new version of "TheJade Hairpin" is created by Bai xianyong. It allows us to see the charm of Kunqu Operaand a new A esthetics of Kunqu opera.

【关键词】 高濂玉簪记折子戏昆曲
【Key words】 Gao LianJade HairpinExcerptsKunqu opera
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

