

What Li Hongchang Had Done about Korea during More Than20Years before Sino-Japanese War

【作者】 高娟

【导师】 罗福惠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 一切真历史都是当代史,朝鲜因素对中国的影响不容低估。而同情的了解既是寻求历史真相的出发点,也是研究的方法和目的。本文尝试从三个方面来探讨李鸿章甲午前二十余年间对朝鲜的措置。首先,从中朝双方对彼此的反应考察宗藩关系的传统特点,以及光绪初李鸿章所遭遇到的新挑战。中朝双方对彼此富有鲜明特点的反应表明,朝鲜对清朝严重缺乏信任,清朝则满足于朝方事大表象,实则不愿受朝鲜所累。这一关系特点导致中朝传统的宗藩关系隐含合法性危机。同治以后,中朝宗藩关系开始遭到美日等国的挑战。这些构成李鸿章对朝鲜措置的背景和逻辑出发点。其次,李鸿章甲午前二十年间对朝鲜的措置思想和内容。这是一个变化发展的过程。李鸿章的整体对朝措置可分壬午前、壬午至甲申、甲申后三个阶段。从同治末到壬午前,李鸿章敏锐洞察日本图朝野心,一面调整防日策略,一面主要通过与朝鲜元老李裕元的通信联系,一再劝导朝鲜转换外交思维、急图自强。对朝鲜壬午、甲申两次事变,李鸿章积极介入,并以此为契机调整对朝政策,从间接介入转为直接介入。之后,综合国内、国际和朝鲜内部等诸多因素,李鸿章选择战略克制。甲申后,在克制战略指导下,李鸿章一面对内严防朝鲜独立,一方面训诫袁世凯保持克制,对外则构筑国际均势以制衡俄日。李鸿章的克制战略的选择有其合理性,也取得一定成果,但根本上因缺乏实力保障,不能久恃,这致使清朝无能从根本上保障已有成果,李鸿章二十余年的对朝措置终因甲午战争而破产。第三,李鸿章在朝鲜措置上还受到不容忽视的两方面影响因素。一方面,清朝最高当局对朝鲜危机的严重性重视不足,更没有从根本上振兴国力,对防制日本侵朝力量准备不足,这使李鸿章感到失望。相反,日本极富特色的努力则加剧了中日的失衡。另一方面,朝鲜方面的反应对李鸿章有重要影响,但因为宗藩关系本身特点和朝鲜方面的没有准备,李鸿章的措置缺乏必要配合。甲午前二十年间李鸿章对朝鲜的措置既有传承,又有发展,有着明显的阶段特征,同时受历史和现实、国内和国际等诸多因素影响。只有联系地综合地考虑这些因素才能避免倒放历史,才能有裨于同情地了解李鸿章对朝鲜的措置。

【Abstract】 "All history is contemporary history."The effect from Korea on China can not be ignored. So it’s essential to give your sympathetic understanding when you study the history.Three parts compromise this paper as below.Firstly,the fact and the new challenges from Japan and America,that there had always been crisis of justice in the traditional relationship of Korea and Qing Dynasty,according to reactions to each other in the whole history of them.Korea,who sew himself as the victim of bully Qing,had harbored strong suspect to Qing and always been unwilling to see the interfere from him.And interestingly,the emperors of Qing had been happy to accept the respect as Korea had shew,but boring to the troubles the later had brought or would bring to China. Those above are the source of Li Hongchang,who had been in charge of Korea for more than20years before the war.Secondly,the whole work Li Hongchang had done in different periods and his reasons.Before the happened in8th of Guangxu,Li had tried to persuade Korea to open the door to the rest of the world and make friends with other countries,again and again,but in vain.Thought the accident in8th and10th of Guangxu,Li changed his idea and began to control Korea strongly. Given the real fact China faced,Li did not agree the advice from others,and offered his own idea.All his reactions later had been under the strategy of,and made some success to some extents.However,like coin has two sides,the strategy also had some false and could not be relayed on forever.The war between Japan and China in20th of Guangxu reversed the state,and reduced Li Hongchang to the loser of the contest on Korea.The last but not the least,the two factors of Japan and Korea,which were very important but beyond Li Hongchang.Top leaders in China had not appreciated the danger Korea involved or the importance of relaxing muscles of China,who illuminated Li deeply,who,also made China fall far behind Japan at last.Additionally,Korea,whose leaders han not been ready for the crises from the beginning to the end,disappointed Li Hongzhang severely and payed his price lastly.All in all,the work of Li Hongchang about Korea, filled of Inheritance and development, affected by various factors of home and broad, had boasted distinctive features in different periods.And it is necessary to realize these factors.

  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】280

