

A Discussion on Thetheory of Becoming in Literary Criticism-the Study of Gilles Deleuze’s and Felix Guattari’s Literary Research on Becoming

【作者】 代金存

【导师】 黄念然;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “生成”这一概念是由德勒兹和迦塔里这两位二十世纪哲学史上饱受争议又成就非凡的哲学家所创造的。它以完全区别于长久以来支配人类认知的“树-根”思维的“根-茎”思维为基础,呈现出随意断裂、任意组合、无方向延伸、异质性结合的思维特性。“生成”的生成少数性、生成分子性、居间性的特征充分体现了德勒兹与迦塔里后现代反中心、反系统、反二元对立的差异哲学思想。艺术研究是德勒兹与迦塔里哲学研究的重要资源,他们认为艺术是一种真正的“生成”,艺术家及艺术作品的诞生就是在现实生活中实现生成-女人、生成-动物、生成-难以感知物的结果。就文学而论,作家唯有在一种非人类的生成中把握那些生成-难以感知物,文学作品才会有长久持存的魅力。德勒兹与迦塔里创造性从一种全新的视角展现了文学对生命的人文关怀。当下各类文学现象纷繁复杂,有时候已有的各种批评理论对某些新出现的文学现象的解释显得捉襟见肘,从这个意义上讲当下文学研究中“生成”视角的引入的是必要的;在当下的社会发展中,文学与多学科交互影响,出现了许多异质于文学常规性发展的新现象,而“生成”理论及相关概念本身具备的对异质性、革新性的事物的阐释性与这些现象具有相当的契合,所以文学的“生成”研究又是可行的。

【Abstract】 The concept of becoming was invented by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari,who were controversial and extraordinary philosophers in the history of philosophy in20th century. It was based on the way of thinking which was named "rhizome" that was totally different from the dominated thinking way called "root" long time,and such the concept was of some features:to fracture at any time, to combine randomly,to extend nondirectionally,to combine heterogeneously.Becoming is aways becoming-minor,becoming-molecular and mid-becoming, all these display well the post-modern philosophy of difference of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari,which’s characterized anti-center,anti-system and anti-dualism.The results of art research of them had also bred the both research of philosophy.They thought art as a kind of becoming,and belived that arts and works were results of becoming-woman,becoming-animal,becoming-imperceptible in real life.As far as literature concerned,the lasted charming of works comes from the truely understanding about those things of becoming-imperceptible in a kind of non-hunman becoming. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari elaborated writers and works with concepts they invented,such as minor-literature,becoming-animal,secret,and then displayed the caring to life coming from literatue. There are so many of complex literary phenomenons in modern society that all kinds of existing criticism theories could not explain them well,so it is very necessary to introduce the thinking way of becoming.Nowadays,literature has developed with a ground of multidisciplinary permeating,and then brought about some nonnormative literary things,which are highly correspond to the character of becoming which has been focusing on those heterogeneous, innovatory things.So it is viable to introduce the thinking of becoming to literature research.

【关键词】 德勒兹迦塔里生成文学批评
【Key words】 Gilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariBecomingliterary criticism
  • 【分类号】I06
  • 【下载频次】151

