

Spatial Division, Geographical Concentration and Countermeasures of Spatial Optimization of Wuhan Urban Circle’s Manufacturing

【作者】 蒋子龙

【导师】 曾菊新;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地区分工与专业化发展能够提高生产效率,促进区域协调发展。目前,产业空间竞争越来越激烈,探讨区域间合作机制,促进产业空间组织优化成为区域发展的关键所在,因此,研究产业空间分工与地理集中成了地理学研究重点关注的领域。在经济全球化的时代背景下,世界经济格局呈现出多极化的发展趋势,参与国际分工及保持地区竞争力成为各国产业发展的重要任务,各国均把大都市区或都市圈整合发展,以参与国际分工与竞争,提升区域竞争力。武汉城市圈是“中部崛起”战略的重要一环,研究武汉城市圈产业空间分工与地理集中格局,揭示武汉城市圈制造业地理集中状况,有助于明晰武汉城市圈城市分工与专业化优势,能够对武汉城市圈区域合作机制与产业梯度转移进行有效的空间指导。研究武汉城市圈制造业空间分工与地理集中对促进武汉城市圈制造业空间整合与结构调整,保障武汉城市圈经济快速协调发展,具有重大的现实意义。本文采用构建武汉城市圈产业分工、地方专业化与地理集中等指数,并结合空间自相关分析,对武汉城市圈产业空间分工及地理集中格局进行分析,探讨产业特征、区域特性与产业地理集中格局的关系,讨论武汉城市圈产业合理重组与空间组织优化途径,为武汉城市圈产业结构调整及“两型社会”建设提供重要决策依据。得出主要结论:(1)2000-2008年武汉城市圈地区专业化整水平逐渐提高。(2)武汉城市圈制造业地理集中度较高,2000-2008年制造业的增加值基尼系数均超过0.50,制造业增加值分布不均衡,制造业倾向于集中布局。(3)从制造业地理集中的产业特征和区域特征来看,2000-2008年武汉城市圈产业地理集中的时间变化趋势存在明显的产业差别。(4)从全局Moran’s I指数来看,近十年来武汉城市圈县域工业增加值呈现明显的正相关关系,指数曲线且N型发展趋势。近十年来武汉城市圈县域工业增加值空间集聚格局发生着明显变动。

【Abstract】 The regional labor division and specialization development can bring about production efficiency and promote regional coordinated development. Currently, increasingly fierce competition in the industrial space makes us to explore the mechanism of inter-regional cooperation, promote the organization of industrial space optimization, and become the key to regional development. Therefore, research on industrial space division and geographic concentration become a focus areas of geography research.Under the background of economic globalization, the world economics pattern presents the trend of multipolarization development. Participation international labor division and maintain the local competitiveness come off the important task of industrial development for most countries, thus, conformity development of the metropolitan area or the metropolis circle can participate in the international labor division and the competition to promote the region competitiveness. The research on spatial labor division and geographical concentration of Wuhan urban agglomeration, which is the most important part of the "the rise of central China" strategy, can reveal geographic concentration of manufacturing industry of Wuhan urban circle, and be helpful to define superiority of division labor and specialization of Wuhan urban circle, which also can carries on region cooperation mechanism and industrial gradient shift effectively. It is of great practical significance to do Study of Wuhan city circle, as it can promote manufacturing space integration and structural adjustment and coordinated development to protect the economy of Wuhan city circle.This article, using indexes of industrial labor division, regional specialization and geographical concentration of Wuhan city circle, combined with the spatial autocorrelation analysis, analyzes the labor division of industrial space and pattern of geographic concentration of Wuhan City Circle and explore the relationship among industry characteristics, regional properties of industry and pattern of geographical concentration as well as to discuss the optimize way of rational restructuring and spatial organization of the Wuhan city Circle,which can provides an important basis for decision making of adjustment of industrial structure for the Wuhan city Circle and " two type society " construction.We draw the conclusions that:(1) Regional specialization level of Wuhan urban circle is gradually enhanced during2000-2008;(2) Geographical concentration of manufacturing industry of Wuhan urban circle is high, with the Gini coefficient of manufacturing added value surpassing0.50in2000-2008, While, the distribution of manufacturing added value is imbalanced, compared of the centralized layout of the manufacturing industry.(3) In the angle of industry property and the provincial characteristics, there exists an obvious industry difference in time variation tendency of geographic concentration of industries in2000-2008.(4) From the global Moran’s I index, the industrial added value shows significant positive correlation, with n-type trends index curve in the recent ten years. That means virtually changes of spatial agglomeration pattern of Wuhan City circle in the scale of county during the last ten years.


