

Research on Marx’s Thought of Science and Technology

【作者】 余文娟

【导师】 叶泽雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术的发展改变了人们的生活,改变了国家的地位,也改变了整个世界的面貌。如今,一个国家或者民族要想在国际社会拥有话语权,就必须注重科学研究、科技发展的规模、程度,以及科学技术对生产力的贡献水平。早在十九世纪,自然科学的兴起就激发了马克思对科学技术的思考,他仔细地研究了科学技术与社会、自然及人类发展的关系,提出了许多对社会发展、时代进步极富建设性的观点,至今都值得我们深思。本文立足于马克思科学技术思想。文章可分为四个部分:第一部分:对马克思科学技术思想的形成背景进行分析。第二部分:通过对马克思哲学文本的解读,有重点地阐述了马克思科学技术思想的核心内容,其中包括:一、科学与技术的关系;二、科学技术产生于生产的需要;三、科学技术是生产力;四、科学技术是一种在历史上起推动作用的革命的力量;五、科学技术的异化与异化的扬弃。第三部分:主要论述了马克思科学技术思想在我国的继承和发展。通过对我国四代党中央领导人的科技思想进行系统分析,把握马克思科学技术思想与时俱进的一面。比如,毛泽东的科技建国思想、邓小平的科技富国强民思想、江泽民的科教兴国思想、胡锦涛的科学发展观和和谐科技思想。第四部分:将马克思科学技术思想与当今科技发展过程中所突显出来的问题相结合,从加强科技创新、科技发展走向生态化、科技发展注重人性化三个方面阐明了马克思科学技术思想的当代启示。总之,马克思的科学技术思想极富时代内涵,对我们实施科教兴国战略,建设创新型国家,实现社会的可持续发展和人的全面发展有着举足轻重的作用。

【Abstract】 The development of science and technology has changed people’s life, change the nation’s position, and also changed the whole the face of the world. Now, a country or nation wants to have a say in the international society, we must pay attention to scientific research, technology development in scale, the degree, and the contribution of science and technology on productivity levels. As early as nineteenth century, the rise of natural science inspired Marx for science and technology of consideration, he carefully studied the relationship among science and technology, the society, the nature and the human development, and put forward to so many constructive ideas for social and times, which made us to think deeply nowadays.The paper bases on Marx’s science and technology thought, the article is divided into four parts:The first part analyses Marx’s background of formation of scientific and technology.The second part mainly discusses the core content of science and technology thought, though telling Marxist philosophy text, including:1st, the relation of science and technology;2nd, the science and technology produces in the production’s requirement;3rd, the science and technology is productive forces;4th, the science and technology is a revolutionary force which plays a promoting role in history;5th, The alienation of science and technology and the discard of the alienation.The third part discusses the Marx’s science and technology thought in contemporary China’s inheritance and development. By outlining Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao’s science and technology thought, sums up different times during each of the science and technology thought leaders. For example, Mao Zedong’s thought of founding country by science and technology, Deng Xiaoping’s thought of making country and people rich by science and technology, Jiang Zemin’s thought of reviving the nation by science and technology, Hu Jintao of the scientific development concept and harmonious science and technology thought.The forth part which combines the Marx’s science and technology thought and the problems of science and technology’s development from strengthen scientific and technological innovation, the development of science and technology to ecological, the development of science and technology to human nature, clarifies the concept of Marx Enlightenment science and technology.In short, Marx’s science and technology thought contains highly times value, for us to carry out the strategy of reinvigorating, build the innovative country and realize the sustainable development of society and the comprehensive development of people, has a pivotal role.

【关键词】 马克思科学技术生产力
【Key words】 Marxscience and technologyproductivity
  • 【分类号】A811
  • 【下载频次】591

