

The Study of Ordinary High School Information Technology Teachers’Professional Development

【作者】 章琴

【导师】 卢子洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 从20世纪80年代开始,发达国家逐步开始重视教育信息化的发展,并把教育信息化发展作为提高教育质量的重要举措。我国《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》第十九章明确指出,“信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度重视”。信息技术教师作为促进教育信息化发展的中坚力量,其专业发展状况对教育信息化发展必将产生重要影响,所以,围绕“信息技术教师专业化发展”开展课题研究将是十分重要而又有必要的。本研究选取了中山市一所普通高中——“中山市东区中学”高中信息技术教师专业发展为研究对像,通过查阅文献、资料检索、问卷调查、归纳分析等方法,从教师个人、学校及教育主管部门三个层面分析了目前东区中学信息技术教师专业发展存在的问题,针对这些存在的问题进行深层次研究,找出影响东区中学信息技术教师专业发展的主客观因素,并尝试提供了解决东区中学信息技术教师专业发展问题的具体策略。在调查研究中,不仅使用了东区中学及杨仙逸中学两所学校信息技术教师关于“高中信息技术教师专业发展调查问卷”的数据结果,同时还参考了中山市教育局教研室关于“中山市中小学信息技术学科教学教研状况”的调查结果,通过对三份数据进行对比分析,使得本研究的调查分析更加客观及全面。

【Abstract】 From1980’s, developed countries gradually began to pay attention to the development of education informatization, and took the education information development as the important measure of improving education quality. Chapter19of our national medium and long-term education reform and development program (2010-2020) pointed out clearly:"The information technology to education development has a revolutionary effect, and we must give height takes seriously." As a shaft power of promoting the development of education informationization, the professional development of teachers is sure to produce a great effect on the education informatization development. So, the subject research of the professional development of teachers around information technology will be very important and necessary.The research selected Zhongshan DongQu Middle School, an ordinary high school in zhongshan city, and regarded high school teachers’ professional development for information technology as the object of this dissertation. By Consulting literatures, data retrieval, questionnaire survey and inductive analysis, we analyse the existing problems from individual teachers, schools and education departments in charge of the three levels of DongQu Middle School teachers on information technology teachers’ professional development. According to these problems we research deeply, and find out the subjective and objective factors which influence DongQu Middle School teacher professional development of the information technology, and try to offer some concrete strategies and solutions to information technology teachers’ professional development in DongQu Middle School.In the survey research, we not only used the results on information technology of two high school teachers’ professional development questionnaires between DongQu Middle School and Yang Xianyi Middle School, but also referred to the findings about the school information technology subject teaching research situation with the help of the Research Office of Zhongshan Education Department in Zhongshan city. According to the analysis about the three data, we make the research more objective and comprehensive.

  • 【分类号】G633.67
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】499

