

The Tendency of Classicism in FeiMing’s Novels

【作者】 白秋芳

【导师】 张晋业;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 古典主义是西方特定时期的文学思潮,17世纪时出现于法国,后影响到欧洲诸国。作为文学思潮的古典主义,它的出现还标志着一种文学范型的确立,因而对于文学现象具有一种普遍的概括力。而作为一种创作倾向和艺术物色的古典主义,它讲求适度的观念、均衡和稳定的章法,寻求形式的谐调和叙述的含蓄;主张摹仿古代作家,弃绝对罕见事物的表现,控制情感和想象,遵守各种写作体裁所特有的规则。本文从古典主义倾向的角度来诠释废名的小说。一、恒定人性、精神家园——古典主义的理想追求。废名的小说关乎人性,通过对二三十年代农村中的人和生活的描写,来表现对恒定人性的赞美和追求。废名主动从社会中心退缩出来,用自己的文字来建造一个用于存放人性、展现美好的精神家园。二、现代性的反思——古典主义的现实指向。新文化生存空间里成长起来的废名,与激进的以“启蒙”为主题并做出实践的新文化战将相比,更多的是从个人对时代生存的感受和体验出发,来反思“现代性”。他对物质文明的进步与道德伦理的退化作出反向思考,试图以文学、审美、传统的力量来改写、抗拒席卷而来的一些现代化的弊病,期望为现代中国注入人性化的内容。表现为作品中现实色彩的淡化以及对传统文化和古典文学的回望。从这点上来看,他的作品使中国新文学从另一维度获得了现代性品格。反映了其审美救世主义的价值追求和现实指向。三、和谐、节制——古典主义的艺术风格。一是淡泊的人物和故事,即对人物形象和故事情节的有意淡化;二是“反刍”的情感表达;三是含蓄凝练的理性叙述。20世纪二三十年代的中国社会政治环境更需要的是一种入世的激情,需要打破一切旧的社会规范和秩序来创造新的,因此在创作方法和审美取向上倾向于古典主义的废名,在当时是注定受到冷落和批评的。然而正是这种对于文学价值的坚守和取向,左右着他的思考,成就了他的独特。

【Abstract】 Classicism is the literary trends of the specific period of time in the West in the17th century in France, after the impact on European countries. Classical literary trends, it also marks the establishment of a literary paradigm, and thus have a general overview of the literary phenomenon. As a creative tendencies and creative paradigm of neoclassical emphasis on the concept of moderate, balanced and stable permissive, to seek harmonization of form and narrative implicitly; advocated imitation of the ancient writers abandoned the absolute rare things performance, emotional control and imagination, to comply with the rules specific to a variety of writing genres. This article interpreted FeiMing’s novel in the classical tendency which including three parts. The first part is of a constant human nature, the spiritual home--the pursuit of classical ideals. FeiMing’s novel was about human nature. It was descripting the life in the rural areas of the Twenties and Thirties, which expressing to praise and the pursuit of a constant of human nature. Fei Ming actively retreat from the social center, to build one for the storage of human nature, to show the beautiful spirit home with his own text. Second, the rethought was about the modernity-classical point to the reality. FeiMing was growing up in the new culture of living spaces. Compared with the radical "enlightenment" as the theme and make the practice a new culture war is starting from the feelings and experiences of individual survival times to rethought the Modernity. He made on the material civilization of progress and moral and ethical degradation of reverse thinking, trying to rewrite the literary, aesthetic, traditional power to resist the modern ills engulfed and expectations of modern China into the humane content. It was viewed in the manifestations of reality Fading of the works and the inheritance of traditional culture and classical literature. From this point of view, his work is the Chinese New Literature from another dimension of the modern character. Reflect the pursuit of value and reality point of its aesthetic messianism., Harmony, moderation-neoclassical artistic expression. First, indifferent to the characters and story, the characters and the story intentionally diluted; second, rational narrative and emotional expression of "rumination"; Third,"Renee" in the Poetry and mood.The1920s and1930s social and political environment is a passion of accession to the reality world, It needs to break all the old social norms and order to create new, creative methods and aesthetic orientation were destined to be left out and criticized. Yet such is the literary value of the stick and orientation about his way of thinking, FeiMing achieved to his unique.

【关键词】 古典主义精神家园艺术表现反刍
【Key words】 ClassicismSpirit HomeArt absortingRenee
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】111

