

Confucian Classics Studies in Qing Dynasty on the Year

【作者】 高菲菲

【导师】 董恩林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 清代学术以整理和总结为特征,尤其在经学研究方面,出现了众多的经学研究者和卷帙浩繁的经学著作。经学的发展在不同层面影响着近代社会,因而,近代以来,对清代经学的董理成为研究的热点。然而,在经学论著宏富前提下,也存在着进步虽速但文献资料佐证方面欠缺的问题。本文试图通过对清代嘉庆道光时期经解文献的成书年代和作者的考证,研究当时学者的经学思想及其变迁,辨明学者之间的学术传承,为更深层次的清代经学研究做准备,亦能为更全面的清代经学史的编纂提供文献基础。本系列论文《清代经解文献系年考》主要考证有清一代(公元1644-1911)的经学著作。依清帝年号将清代分为四个阶段:顺治、康熙时期(1644-1722),雍正、乾隆时期(1723-1795),嘉庆、道光时期(1796-1850年),咸同光宣时期(1851-1911)。本文是此系列论文的第三部分:嘉庆道光时期(1851-1911),分绪论、凡例、正文和余论四部分。第一部分综述关于此阶段经学研究的现状和研究的方法。第二部分简述系年所依据的原则及标准:以年为经,以著作为纬。第三部分从清代史籍和近人在此方面的著述中,梳理出有关嘉庆道光时期经解文献成书年代的相关信息,然后将之系在不同的年份下。第四部分在系年的基础上对此阶段经学发展特点和概况作出简单概括,归结出此阶段经学在继续乾隆时期的昌盛局面的同时又表现出新的特点,并取得了令人瞩目的成果。本文的创新之处在于对清代嘉庆道光时期经学文献的成书年代第一次进行了深入而系统的考证,并按照成书年代进行了排序;其次,传统的学术史往往以最重要人物、著作、思想及学派为研究对象,缺乏对次要人物与著作的关注,本文第一次对清代嘉道时期的经学家及其著作进行了系统的清理和考证,基本勾勒出清代经解文献的发展全貌。

【Abstract】 The Characteristics of Academic reseach in Qing dynasty is reorganize and summarize of it. Particularly in Confucian classics studies:there has been a large number of researchers and a large number of works in this period.The development of research on Confucian classics shows different effects on mordern society. Thus, in modern times, more and more people focus on the reorganize of academic research.However, under the premise of rich works in this period, although the progress is fast,the lack of information and related evidence is still exist.This paper attempts to research the achieved time and the author of the works about Confucian classics in Qing dynasty, study the Confucian scholars’s thought at that time and it’s change,know the academic inheritance about these people,and prepare for a deeper level of reseach, this study can also provide more comprehensive meterials for Confucian classics studies.The series of papers "Confucian classics studies in Qing Dynasty on the Year"mainly deals with the verification the writing time of books on Confucian classic studies written in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The Qing Dynasty is divided in four phases according to the titles of emperor’s reign:the Shunzhi and Kangxi period (1644-1722), Yongzheng and Qianlong period (1723-1795), Jiaqing and Daoguang period (1796-1850), and Xian-Tong-Guang-Xuan period (1851-1911). This article is the Part three of this series of paper, Jiaqing and Daoguang period (1851-1911),Which is Divided into four parts:introduction, legend, text, and Conclusion.The first part of the paper summarize the stage of Confucian classics studies,and the way to do this research.The second part is sketch the basic principle and standard of this paper according to the years and works.The third part, search for related information from works which come from the people in qing dynasty and in modern times, and then put these different department into different years. Based on study of part three,The fourth part of this article will make simple generalization about the new features and the general situation of this stage:Continuing prosperity situation while show the performance of the new features, and has made remarkable achievements.The innovation of this paper is thorough and systematic textual research on the Confucian classics of Jiaqing and Daoguang period,and classify these different materials according to the time they have accomplished. Besides,traditional research on academic is often the most important figures, writings, thoughts, and factions, lack of the concerned about secondary characters and writings. This article scribes the people reseach on Confucian classics and the works of them in Jiaqing and Daoguang period,shows the whole picture of the basic outline zbout the development of Confucian classics studies and literature in Qing Dynasty for the first time.


