

The Puzzle and the Quest in Self-expression

【作者】 王健男

【导师】 苏晖;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 约翰·麦克斯韦尔·库切(John Maxwell Coetzee,1940-)是南非当代著名作家,2003年获诺贝尔文学奖。库切是一位精于小说技巧的作家,他对现实主义、现代主义和后现代主义的小说形式和创作手法运用自如;同时,他也是一位思想庞杂,勇于探索的作家。库切的作品常常不以曲折的情节取胜,读者往往被他作品中的深刻而复杂的思想以及表述的多样化而吸引。本文所研究的是库切的三部自传体小说:《男孩》、《青春》和《夏日》,以自传模式为切入点,从小说的后殖民文化背景、人物成长历程以及话语权建构三个方面分析库切自传小说的模式特征。后殖民文化背景是库切本人的一个文化标记,殖民地生活经历使得他的成长历程具有边缘特征,而上述两个因素共同影响了库切对于家庭、社会的话语权体系构建。本文共分为四章。第一章通过《男孩》的分析,揭示小说主人公约翰在南非的童年边缘生活轨迹,以及这种生活轨迹对于童年性格特征形成的意义。南非的农庄“百鸟喷泉”和首都开普敦,是约翰幼年生活的两个重要场所:前者代表了南非的殖民历史,后者则是南非殖民者后裔的现实生活。这一阶段的约翰及其家族的边缘性处境地位在于,他们所认同的英国文化与南非的阿非利堪文化的不相容,以及家庭的政治倾向性选择带来的社会政治边缘处境。因此这一阶段约翰的文化属性是“外部的他者”,他所面临的是文化与政治双重边缘地位所带来的困惑。第二章通过对于《青春》的梳理,揭示青年时期的约翰的成长轨迹,并分析造成他个人精神追求失落的原因。步入青年时代的约翰,脱离了南非,来到了伦敦,也就是殖民时代的“帝国的核心”,并且试图在欧洲大陆上实现自己的文化认同理想。在这个过程中,南非作为一种难以摆脱的身份标签,在欧洲大陆与约翰如影随形,尽管他主观上不愿意承认这一现实。另一方面,殖民者后裔的身份并没有给约翰带来打开欧洲文化大门的通行证,最终他只能承认自己对于欧洲文化认同探索的失败。这一阶段,约翰虽然成功地在地域上走进了欧洲,但实际上仍然无法摆脱自身的边缘性文化属性,因此他的文化属性是“内部的他者”。第三章通过对《夏日》的自传性与他传性的分析,探讨库切在自我表述与真实自我之间的转换。在历经各国流散生活之后,中年的主人公约翰·库切作为一位学者重回南非,并在南非重新开始了自己的文化生活。在这个过程中,他经历了对于故乡从想象到现实的重新认识,也经历了对身边人和事物的疏离。自我的认识出自于深刻的自我内省意识,因而具有明显的自传特色;自身的疏离气质则出自于自我表述的困境,因而也具有“他传”的特征。在这个基础上,库切进一步探索了他者表述与自我表述之间的真实与虚构。第四章从宏观角度,全面总结库切在自传小说中在进行自我表述时遇到的困境及其探索。在表述模式上,作家采取了一种由外及内的表述探索,即由客观方式呈现转向内部自省的主观模式。在这个过程中,外部的客观表述采取的是自传方式,内部自省的主观表述则采用了他者表述。在主题上,对于传统的成长小说主题进行了精神层面的深化,更加充实了内部自省的意义。此外,库切对于自我表述技巧进行了更深层次的探讨,将其上升到家庭内部和知识分子自身话语权重构层面。结语部分指出,库切在自传小说中对于真实自我的表述的探索实际上源于他对于自我认识的不断内省反思,文本自我与真实自我都是作家进行自我表述的有效工具。作家的内省意识是知识分子社会责任传统的延续,同时也具有后殖民文化的特殊特征,因此,库切的文本探索具有更加深远的意义。

【Abstract】 John Maxwell Coetzee (1940-) is one of the most famous authors in the contemporary South Africa, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in2003. Coetzee is proficient in novel techniques, skillful in both form and applications of realism, modernism and post modernism, with rich thought and courage in exploration. Not only fascinated by the winding plots, the readers are also attracted by the profound mind and the different statements of Coetzee’s novels.The objects of this thesis are three autobiographical novels of Coetzee, they are Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life, Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II,and Summertime. Taking the autobiographical mode as an illustration, the analysis will be on the basis of the post-colonial cultural, the character’s process in growth, and the construction of the discourse right to analyze Coetzee’s features of autobiographical novels. The cultural sign of post-colonial background, and marginal features of the colonial life experience in his growth, these two factors affect Coetzee’s reconstruction of discourse right system in both family and society.Besides Introduction and Conclusion, the thesis is divided into four chapters. Taking Boyhood as an illustration, Chapter One summarizes the marginal living its effect in the personality of the hero, John, who was in South Africa as a little boy, and its effect in his personality. The Voelfontein, a farm in South Africa, and Johannesburg, the capital, were two important living areas in John’s childhood:one represented the colonial history of South Africa, and the other was the representation of colonial descendants’present life. At this stage, John and his family lived a marginal life both culturally and politically because their English cultural identification and the political tendency was not accepted by the Afrikaaner. So the cultural feature of John’s family is called the External-other. From the perspective of a child, his confusion was caused by the double marginal positions in culture and politics.Chapter Two focuses on Youth to show John’s teenage growth and analyzes the reasons that made him feel depressed in spirit. After leaving South Africa, he reached London, the centre of the colonial empire, where the teenage boy tried to achieve his dream in cultural identification. However, he still could not get rid of the South Africa, and he refused to face the reality. In fact, the colonial descendant identity did not help John open the gate of European culture, eventually he had to admit his failure of European culture exploration. Actually, John couldn’t get rid of the borderline of the culture though he had successfully got into the European region, so his cultural feature is called the Internal-other.The third chapter studies the autobiographical and biographical writing in Summertime, and Coetzee’s transformation between self-expression and his real-self-expression. After several countries’diasporic living, Coetzee returned to South Africa as an academician. During the diaspora, his imagination of hometown became reality, he also had experienced the alienation of people and things. The knowledge of himself is based on the profound introspection on his own consciousness, and it also brings the autobiography characteristics; the predicament in self-expression causes alienated temperament, and thus there is a biographical writing. Based on these reasons, Coetzee has his further exploration of reality and fiction between other-expression and self-expression.Chapter Four is a comprehensive summary in macro perspective, where Coetzee encountered predicament during his exploration in self-expression. He explored from the outside to the inside, instead of objective autobiography, which was called as an internal reflection. In this process, the external representation is taken by the autobiographical way, while the subjective internal self-examination uses the other state. The introspective significance lies on the spiritual sublimation to the the traditional Bildungsroman. In addition, Coetzee studies more in-depth of the self expression-skills, and discusses the family and intellectuals’ reconstruction of discourse right system.In the end, Coetzee’s sense of constant introspection of his autobiographical novels causes the exploration between self and real self, the author uses the text self and the real self for an effective self-expression. The writer’s consciousness of introspection is a traditional social responsibility, held by intellectuals for ages, which also has special features of post-colonial culture. Therefore, Coetzee’s exploration in his texts has profound significance.

  • 【分类号】I478.074
  • 【下载频次】184

