

Study on the Problem of Making Friends in the Full-length Realistic Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 周宋

【导师】 谭邦和;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 交友是人类社会不可或缺的一部分,小说作为原形再现生活的文学样式,自然也广泛表现了交友问题。本文首先对友伦的文化传统做了梳理与阐释,并概略描述了中国文学特别是古代小说对交友问题的书写。然后以《金瓶梅》、《儒林外史》、《歧路灯》三个小说文本为重点研究对象,主要探讨了明清长篇世情小说中的交友问题。文章分为七个部分。引言分析了小说创作重视交友题材而小说研究对此没有给予应有重视这一现状,并对本文的研究对象作了界定和说明。第一章论述了友伦的文化传统和交友问题的小说书写两大问题,分别从哲学理论和文学理论两方面为后文讨论明清长篇世情小说中的交友问题奠定了理论基础。第一节从朋友的演化和特征、朋友的价值、朋友的选择、朋友相处之道等方面来阐述友伦的文化传统。第二节从交友问题的文学书写和交友问题的小说表现两个方面论述了文学尤其是小说对交友问题的表现。第二章论述了《金瓶梅》中的交友问题,从商人交友、帮闲交友、妻妾交友、官员交友等方面来阐述市侩社会中的各色交友。具体来说,商人交友展现了金钱的魔力和虚幻,帮闲交友展现了一种卑劣的生存方式,妻妾交友成为一夫多妻制度下的争宠手段,官员交友成为变相的结党营私和钱权交易。第三章论述了《儒林外史》中的交友问题,分析了科举环境中的文人交友状况。一方面分析了科举环境中文人交友的现实困境,另一方面则分析了文人对理想交友的探求,重点探讨了功名富贵对友伦的冲击。第四章论述了《歧路灯》中的交友问题,分析了交友与青少年成长之间的关系。以谭绍闻为例,分析了交友在青少年成长过程中的特殊影响。通过对谭家父子交友状况的对比分析,总结出正己、审交、慎处是青少年交友应该遵循的三大步骤。第五章从个案讨论回到整体观照,透过世情小说观察明清友伦败坏的状况及所折射的文化异动。第一节总结分析了世情小说凸显明清友伦败坏这一特点。第二节从市侩社会、科举环境、交友环境三个方面分析了明清友伦败坏的原因。结语指出研究小说中的交友问题不仅具有历史的反思价值,而且具有现实的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Making friends is an important part of human society, and it widely exists in the novels. This paper aims at discussing the problem of making friends in the full-length realistic novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty, by analyzing three typical novels--Chin P’ing Mei, The Scholars and Qi Lu Deng. This paper contents seven parts. The preface analyzes the situation that novel creation pays attention to the theme of making friends but novel research ignores it. It also defines and instructions the object of study. Chapter one discusses two questions:the cultural tradition of friend ethics and the problem of making friends in the novels. It Lays the theoretical basis for the following article. The first section discusses the cultural tradition of friend ethics by analyzing the evolution and characteristics of friends, the value of friends, how to choose friends and how to make friends. The second section discusses the problem of making friends in the novels by analyzing how the literature express the problem of making friends and how the novels express the problem of making friends. Chapter two discusses the problem of making friends in Chin P’ing Mei. It analyzes the different kinds of friends in philistine society, such as how to make friends in the group of Businessmen, hacks, wives and officials. Specifically speaking, Businessmen focus on the money in the process of making friends. Hacks think of it as a despicable way of life. Wives think of it as a way to dispute their husbands’love. Officials think of it as a way to struggle for power and money. Chapter three discusses the problem of making friends in The Scholars. It analyzes how to make friends between scholars in the imperial environment. On the one hand, it analyzes dilemma of making friends in the imperial environment; On the other hand, it analyzes how the scholars looking for the ideal to make friends. It mainly discusses the influence of fame and fortune to friend ethics. Chapter four discusses the problem of making friends in Qi Lu Deng. It analyzes the relationship between the friendship and the growth of young people. Making friends has a special impact in the growth of young people. It summarizes three steps for young people to make friends. The first step is enriching themselves. The second step is choosing friends carefully. The third step is making friends correctly. Chapter five focus on the friend ethics in Ming and Qing society. The first section analyzes the characteristic that the friend ethics goes bad in Ming and Qing society. The second section analyzes the reason of it by three aspects. The epilogue comes to an conclusion that the study to the problem of making friends not only help to reflect on history, but also help to reflect on contemporary.

  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【下载频次】263

