

The Reconstruction of the Popular Culture to the Elite Culture

【作者】 银晓明

【导师】 彭涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 小说改编影视剧一直以来都是全球化大众社会的热门话题。近年来,当代北美“新移民文学”的代表作家、好莱坞的专业编剧严歌苓在海内外日益为人瞩目,其同名小说改编的影视剧接二连三火爆荧屏,从电影《少女小渔》、《天浴》、《金陵十三钗》,到电视剧《小姨多鹤》、《一个女人的史诗》,严歌苓的小说作品不但已走入小说畅销作品的视线里,而且她的小说改编影视剧也成为了近几年影视剧改编的大热门。对严歌苓小说的研究,前人主要集中在小说本文的研究上,而对其小说改编电视剧的专门探析甚少。本文从精英、大众文化和意识形态的角度入手,以严歌苓的长篇小说《小姨多鹤》为例,具体分析其电视剧文本和小说文本的不同,改编中大众传播的改编策略,意识形态话语的渗透、内涵以及得失启示。全文总共分三章,第一章解析电视剧《小姨多鹤》与原著的不同,从主题思想的转换、人物性格形象的改变及情节境遇的增加、删除和重新设置来分析改编文本与原著的差异;第二章探讨电视剧《小姨多鹤》在大众传播的改编策略,从迎合受众期待,根植文化积淀和结盟文化产业三个方面来解析改编策略;第三章研究电视剧《小姨多鹤》意识形态的操纵策略。最后结语总结改编得失效果,以期为今后的小说改编影视剧提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Television dramas based on novels have always been a hot topic in a society featured by globalization and popular culture. In recent years, Yan Geling, a representative writer of the "New Literature of Immigrants" in contemporary America as well as a professional screenwriter in Hollywood, has attracted great attention from home and abroad, with her novels frequently taken as the prototype of many television dramas and movies, ranging from movies like Siao Yu, The Sent-Down Girl, The Flowers of War to television dramas like Little Aunt Tatsuru and A Woman’s Epic. With her novels ranking among the bestsellers, the television dramas based on these works have also become very popular in recent years.Previous studies center on the novels, yet few ones have ever been undertaken on the corresponding television dramas. Taking Yan’s novel-Little Aunt Tatsuru as a case, this paper starts from the angle of elite and popular cultures as well as ideology and aims to explore the differences between the novel and the television version, the strategies adopted in the revision of popular communication, the infiltration, meaning and inspiration embodied in the ideological discourse.The paper consists of three chapters. The first one focuses on the differences in theme, characters and plots between the novel and the television version. The second highlights the revision strategy used in the television version from three aspects-the expectation of the audience, the dependence on cultural accumulation and combination with cultural industry. In the third chapter, the operative strategy of ideology in the television version is analyzed. In the conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of the revision are accentuated so as to provide some suggestions for the similar television dramas in the future.


