

A Study on the Situations of Non-optimized Allocation of Teaching Resource and the Countermeasures for Our Universities

【作者】 吴正端

【导师】 董泽芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010——2020)中提出“要提高高校在国家创新体系中的作用”,再一次强调了高校在整个社会发展中的重要作用。高校教师是高校社会责任和自身使命的承担者和践行者,教师资源配置优化与否直接关系到高校社会使命的完成。然而,我国高校教师资源配置中还存在着诸多问题,阻碍了高校的健康发展。本文正是基于这些现存的问题,在系统化理论及内部劳动力市场理论的指导下,参照教师资源优化配置所应达到的标准,提出了优化高校教师资源配置的建议。本问共分为五个部分,第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了选题的背景、研究的意义、研究思路和研究方法,并对当前的研究成果进行了总结。第二部分为概念和理论基础介绍,主要界定了“高校教师资源”、“人力资源优化配置”、“高校教师资源优化配置”这三个概念,并且详细解释了“系统化理论”和“内部劳动力市场理论”以及这两个理论对本研究的指导意义。第三部分为现状分析部分,从正反两个方面介绍了我国高校教师资源配置所取得的成果及非优化配置的表现。第四部分为原因分析,在上文所分析的非优化配置的具体表现的基础上,指出了高校教师资源非优化配置的深层原因所在。第五部分为对策建议,在概括高校教师资源优化配置的四个标准的基础上,提出了相应的优化策略。通过研究,本文肯定了我国高校教师资源配置所取得的成果也指出其不足。在此基础上,总结出了高校教师资源优化配置的标准为适应性、动态性、多样性和有效性。最后,在标准的指导下,提出了优化我国高校教师资源配置的策略,主要有第一,树立“高校为体、教师为本”的教师资源配置理念;第二,健全完善合理的教师聘任制度;第三,健全有效多样的激励机制;第四,加大科研团队建设的力度。

【Abstract】 "To enhance the role of universities in the national innovation system", It is said in ((National education reform and development of long-term planning programs)), which emphasizes the importance of universities in the whole society once again., University Teaching resources undertake the social responsibility of universities and make sure the achievement of its own goals. Also, whether the teaching resource get optimal allocation affects the achievement of its own goals directly。But, there are still lots of outstanding problems in teaching resource’s allocation,which hinders the improvement of universities. So,this research will put forward some recommendations to resolve these problems on the basic of existing situation。The research is instructed by System Theory and Internal Labor Market Theory after referring the four standards of optimal allocation.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is introduction.It presents the background of the research,the significance of the research,the train of thought I take,the methods I chose in the main.In addition,this part also present the achievements in scientific research on the placement of teaching resource in universities nowadays.The second part are the theoretical basis and concepts.In this part,there are three important concepts:"teaching resource in universities"、"optimal allocation for human resource"and"optimal allocation for teaching resource in universities’.And then, this part explains "System Theory" and"Internal Labor Market Theory"in detail as well as how both of the two theories direct the research. The third part are the analyses for current situation.It affirms the accomplishment we have got as well as the manifestations of non-optimized allocations.The fourth part are the reasons for non-optimized allocation. On the basis of Specific performances mentioned above,this paper brings forward the Underlying causes of non-optimized allocation.The fifth part are countermeasures. Firstly, this paper summarizes four standards of optimal allocation. Secondly,this paper puts forward four recommendations to realize the optimal allocation of teaching resource.By the research,we could see the achievements we have got as well as the details in non-optimized allocation.We also get four standards of optimal allocation,they are:suitability;dynamic;diversity;effectivity.At last,this paper puts forward four recommendations to realize the optimal allocation of teaching resource,they are as follows——firstly,update the ideas of university-oriented and teacher-oriented in optimal allocation; secondly,create a sound and reasonable appointment system;thirdly,build a various and effective motivation mechanism;fourthly, accelerate the schedule of scientific research teams.

【关键词】 高校教师资源优化配置
【Key words】 universitiesteaching resourceoptimal allocation
  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】264

