

【作者】 杨国庆

【导师】 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 音乐学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断发展,文化素质的不断提高,国内合唱事业得到了较大的发展,产生了一批水平相当高的合唱团,国家也越来越重视合唱艺术的发展。在2008年,由国家文化部合唱协会举办的两年一届的合唱比赛以及“国际合唱节”中,参赛团队之多,水平之高,达到了前所未有之势。加之央视第13届青歌赛首次将合唱纳入比赛项目,这对我国合唱事业的发展与普及无疑起到了推波助澜的作用。在第14届青歌赛合唱比赛中,有一支队伍“气势磅礴、坚毅有力”,“声”动全国,被评委专家誉为“中国男声合唱的第一品牌”。这就是“中国武警男声合唱团”,这是由80多名来自全国音乐院校的优秀毕业生组成合唱团,凭着独特的演唱风格获得第14届青歌赛合唱比赛金奖。并且在2009年,该合唱团就在第七届“金钟奖”中获合唱金奖。随着社会的进步和世界合唱潮流发展的多元化,以往传统合唱惯有的“粗犷厚重”风格已不能完全满足我们对合唱音响的审美需求。“中国武警男声合唱团”不拘于传统的合唱演唱风格,特别是在合唱音响、音乐表现等方面有独到的创意,尤其是运用“轻声”技巧方面能够更好的体现合唱音响的艺术美感。作为“中国男声合唱的第一品牌”的代表,他的成功说明了他在国内合唱团中具有代表性、示范性和权威性。然而,“中国武警男声合唱团”是怎样练就如此高的水平,作为一支由音乐学院毕业生组成的合唱团又是凭借什么来拿到了全国最高水平最高合唱奖项的金奖呢?这正是笔者着手研究的根本动因。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the continuous development of people’s living standards, culture,continuously improving the quality, the cause of domestic chorus greater development,resulting in a number of very high levels of the choir, the country is also increasingemphasis on the development of the choral art. In2008, the biennial choral competitionsorganized by the Ministry of Culture Chorus Association and the International ChoralFestival ", the participating teams as much as the level of high, reached an unprecedentedtrend. Combined with the13th CCTV Young Singer for the first time the chorus into theevents, the development and popularization of China chorus cause undoubtedly played arole in fueling.In the14th Youth Song Competition Choir Competition, a team of magnificent,strong determination,""sound" move the country by the jury of experts as the "malechorus". This is the Men’s Choir of the Chinese People’s Armed Police, which is composedof more than80outstanding graduates from the National Music School Choir, ChoralContest of the14th Young Singer With his unique singing style. The choir in2009, GoldMedal by the chorus in the "Golden Bell Award" in the seventh.Along with social progressand the diversification of the World Choir development trend of the traditional chorus usedto the style of "thick rough" can not fully satisfy our aesthetic needs of the chorus sound.Men’s Choir of the Chinese People’s Armed Police "informal tradition of choral singingstyle, especially in terms of choral sound, music and performance, unique ideas, especiallythe use of" softly "technique to better reflect the artistic beauty of choral sound.As a representative of the Chinese male chorus, the first brand ", his success is hisrepresentative, demonstration and authority of the domestic Choir. However, the ChinesePeople’s Armed Police male voice choir is trained to be such a high level, the choir as aSchool of Music graduates with nothing to get the gold medal of the highest level choralaward it? This is what I started studying the fundamental motivation.

【关键词】 合唱音响均衡
【Key words】 choralsoundequalizer

