

【作者】 陈俏

【导师】 李安增;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 稳定是社会发展的前提。人类历史的发展也证明惟有稳定才能保证国家强盛和社会进步。在政党政治的国家,强大的政党可以使一个国家政权稳定,也可以搞乱一个国家。可以说,在我国政权稳定是政治稳定的核心,是保持中国稳定的关键。目前,我国正处于现代化进程中的社会转型期,如何实现政权稳定就成为更加迫切的重大课题。中国政权稳定毋庸置疑,但是由于种种原因,当前我国各种矛盾和社会冲突集中暴露和释放出来,在一定程度上威胁到了国家政权稳定。如何从执政党建设角度研究和探讨保障我国社会全面发展的政权稳定之路,是学界应该关注的重要问题。本文沿着理论构建——现状分析——对策构建的基本思路展开,以政权稳定问题为研究对象,以中国执政党建设为研究视角,在把握政权稳定与执政党建设的相关性及内在逻辑的基础上,系统分析当代中国政权稳定的现状,提出保持中国政权稳定的思路和对策。本文在学术界已有研究的基础上,直接把政权稳定问题作为研究对象,并将其与中国共产党建设结合起来进行考察和分析,从一个新的角度深化了马克思主义政权建设理论的研究。在实现政权稳定的路径上,提出了三大对策,即永葆执政党的先进性,这是实现政权稳定的关键;强化执政党的执政能力建设,这是维护政权稳定的重要环节;积极推进执政党的党内民主建设,这是凝聚党心的重要手段。

【Abstract】 Stability is the prerequisite of social development. The development of humanhistory has also proved that the stability can promote the prosperity of the country.In the state which practices party politics, a powerful party can make the powerof the state steady, but also can mess up a country. We can say that the regimestability is the core of political stability in China, and also the key of stabilityof our country. At present, our country is in the period of social transformationof the modernization process, and how to achieve regime stability has become theurgent task. It has no doubt about our country’s regime stability. But becauseof various reasons, the kinds of contradictions and social conflicts have exposedand release which is the threat to the regime stability. How to research the roadof China’s regime stability from the angle of the construction of the ruling partyis the academic circles which should be paid more attention to.The paper will be launched along the sequence which is the theoreticalconstruction, the analysis of present situation and the measure. The researchobject of this paper is the regime stability and the research perspective is theparty construction. At the base of the relationship and the internal logic betweenthe regime stability and the construction of the ruling party, the paper analysescurrent situation systematically, and puts forward measure to maintain the regimestability.Based on the academic research, this paper takes directly the regime stabilityas the research object, and analyses it with the construction of CPC. So throughthis way the investigation about the Marx regime construction theory has bedeepened from a new point. About the path of the realization of regime stability,this paper puts forward three measures---keeping Party’s progressiveness whichis the key of the regime stability, strengthening the construction ofadministration ability of the CPC which is the important step, promoting theconstruction of the inner-party democracy which is the important way to condenseparty’s power.


