

【作者】 李美华

【导师】 张良才;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生自主管理是学校管理工作的重要组成部分,是对学生管理工作的探索与尝试,它所体现的是新形式下学生管理工作的新特点、新需要,对大学生德、智、体的全面发展具有不可忽视的作用。自主管理是使大学生充分地调动自身的主观能动性并利用和整合自我资源而开展的趋向于自我完善的活动,既符合大学生的心理特点,也符合社会发展对人才的客观要求。提高大学生自主管理能力,是提高我国综合竞争力的有效途径。然而,当前我国在校大学生绝大多数为独生子女,他们依赖性强、个人主义思想严重等问题影响了自主管理能力的提高。如何引导大学生提高自我管理能力,树立自立自强的意识,提高生活自理能力,在生活和学习中树立正确的方向和目标并为之奋斗,积极有效的参与到学校管理活动中,成为当下各高校的研究方向。因此,我们有必要对大学生自我管理能力进行全面系统的研究。本文共四部分,第一部分绪论,主要阐述了本文的选题缘由、研究意义、文献综述和研究方法。本文在认真研究中外大学生自主管理的发展历史和现状的基础上,运用文献分析法和经验总结法进行撰写;第二部分对大学生自主管理的理论进行了研究,界定了大学生自主管理的概念内涵,大学生自主管理包括对自身的管理和参与学校管理两部分,两者相辅相成、互相依存。大学生自身的管理包括学习管理、生活管理和自我提升的管理。本文还对大学生自主管理的价值进行了分析,肯定了自主管理对改善学校管理、提升大学生素质的重要作用;第三部分分析了大学生自主管理的现状和能力缺失的成因,本文认为目前我国大学生一般是有自主管理能力的,是能够自行处理自己的学习和生活等问题的。但是有些大学生显得很不成熟,依赖性强。从整个大学生群体来说,大学生自主管理能力呈缺失状态。第四部分对提高大学生自主管理能力的提高提出了建议,本文针对造成大学生自主管理能力缺失的原因从大学生自身、学校和家庭三方面提出了相关建议,以期推动大学生自主管理能力的提高。本文较以往的研究有所突破的方面在于更加系统的对大学生自主管理的理论进行了补充和探索,在对以往研究进行综合分析的基础上分析了大学生自主管理的内涵,给出了针对高校的可操作性建议,具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The independent management of the university student is an important part of universitymanagement.It is the exploration and attempt to the management of students. What it reflects isthe new characteristics and new needs of student’s management under the new form.It plays asignificant role on comprehensive development of the students’ morals,wisdom,body.Theindependent management of the university student is the activity that tend to self-improvementwhich enable students to mobilize their initiative fully,to utilize and integrate self-resources.To improve their management capabilities is the need for the fierce competition and trainingof qualified people.However,the current school students in China for only child,they have noindependent power,selfhood and managenment capacity and so on.Therefore,we have to carryout a comprehensive system of study for the college students self-management.There are four parts in this paper.The first part is the introduction which describes thereasons, research significance, literature review and research methods.The paper is written byusing document analysis and experience summary.It is based on the study of Chinese and foreignstudents’ autonmous management development on the history and present situations. The secondpart research the theory of College Students’ self management.The independent management ofthe university student contains two meanings of their individual independent management andthe collective one,both complement one another.This part Defines the connotation of the conceptof university students’ self management. College Students’ self management includes learningmanagement, life management and self–improvement management.The paper also analyzes thevalue of the College Students’ self management,and believes that College Students’ selfmanagement plays an important role in school management and enhancing the qualitu of collegestudents.The third part analyzes the present status and the reasons for the College Students’lacking in autonomous management.The paper believes that university students of our countrygenerally have the independent managing capacity and they can voluntarily process problemssuch as study and life.But some of them appear not very mature and too much dependence.Fromthe community of the entire university student,independent management capacity of themassumes the flaw condition. The fourth part makes recommendations to improve CollegeStudents’ self management.The paper makes recommendations from three aspects which includestudents,schools and families, In order to promote the ability of college students’ selfmanagement.The breakthrough of the research exists in a supplementary of undergraduates autonomymanagements in theory.Analyzing the meaning of self-management students which based on theanalysis of previous studies. The operational proposal for colleges and universities will be of a certain practical value.


