

【作者】 卢少俊

【导师】 郭炳冉; 舒凤月;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 动物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年4月-12月对南四湖大型底栖动物的群落结构进行了季度调查,分析了南四湖大型底栖动物的物种数、现存量、优势种、功能摄食类群及其时空变化,探讨了南四湖大型底栖动物群落的演替规律及影响因素,并根据大型底栖动物群落结构对南四湖水质进行了生物学评价,为南四湖水生生物资源保护和监测调水工程对南四湖生态系统的影响提供背景资料。主要结果如下:1、南四湖共计有大型底栖动物35属40种,其中寡毛类4属6种,软体动物10属10种,水生昆虫15属17种,其它6属6种。四个子湖泊中微山湖物种数最多,南阳湖最少;综合四季来看,冬季物种数最多,夏季最少。2、南四湖大型底栖动物全湖的年平均密度为1103ind/m~2,年平均生物量为82.09g/m~2。全湖寡毛类的年平均现存量为232ind/m~2和0.48g/m~2;软体动物的年平均现存量为71ind/m~2和74.02g/m~2;水生昆虫的年平均现存量为884ind/m~2和6.59g/m~2。寡毛类和软体动物的现存量以独山湖最高,水生昆虫是以南阳湖最高。除微山湖外,其它三个湖区中水生昆虫为绝对密度优势群,其密度均占各湖区底栖动物密度一半以上;软体动物是四个湖区的绝对生物量优势群,占底栖动物总生物量的90%以上。3、南四湖四季大型底栖动物密度冬季最高,生物量则是秋季居首;现存量最低的是夏季。寡毛类密度冬季最高,达到397ind/m~2,现存量夏季最低;软体动物密度夏季最高,为120ind/m~2,而生物量秋季最高,为123.82g/m~2;水生昆虫现存量冬季最高,夏季最低,两者相差近四十倍。4、南四湖大型底栖动物的优势种为红裸须、霍普水丝蚓、长角涵螺和铜锈环棱螺,用Morisita指数测定其优势种均呈现核心分布。南四湖各子湖泊大型底栖动物优势种均有区别,南阳湖优势种最少,只有红裸须和铜锈环棱螺;独山湖的优势种比南阳湖多出一种霍普水丝蚓;优势种最多的微山湖和昭阳湖分别比独山湖多出一种,分别为长角涵螺和背角无齿蚌。霍普水丝蚓和铜锈环棱螺是南四湖四季均出现的优势种,冬季拥有绝对优势的红裸须在夏季不呈现优势。5、南四湖全湖的大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的平均密度以直接收集者为最高,为1022ind/m~2,占总数的87.6%,而从平均生物量来看,刮食者为54.39g/m~2,占总数的65.9%,其次为过滤收集者,为21.08g/m~2,占总数的25.5%。不同季节中,南四湖大型底栖动物密度仍是以直接收集者为主要类群,生物量方面,微山湖和昭阳湖以过滤收集者最多,其它两湖以刮食者占优。6、结合K-优势度曲线,南四湖大型底栖动物多样性微山湖>独山湖>昭阳湖>南阳湖;南四湖大型底栖动物多样性冬季最低,夏秋季较高。7、南四湖四个湖区大型底栖动物在不同季节里群落物种组成差别较大,群落构成并不相似;对比以往资料,南四湖大型底栖动物群落物种数减少,现存量下降,耐污种增加。8、根据Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(H’)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)、Margalef丰富度指数(dM)和Simpson优势度指数(D)评价了南四湖水质。结果显示,南四湖水质整体上处于轻-中度污染状况。四个子湖区受污染程度依次为南阳湖>昭阳湖>独山湖>微山湖,最南面的微山湖湖区总体明显好于最北面的南阳湖,因为南阳湖临近济宁,受工业化影响显著;南四湖四季除冬季外,其它三季均呈现中度污染状态,而南四湖冬季水体评价多样性指数最低,可能是由于红裸须冬季大量繁殖的原因,与水质好坏无关。

【Abstract】 According to the investigation on macrozoobenthos of Nansi Lake in a full year, this thesispreliminary deals with analyzing the species number, standing crop, dominant species andfunctional feeding groups, and its Spatio-temporal variation. Compared with previous studies,succession of community structure of macrozoobenthos and its impact factors were explored. Inaddition, Water quality of Nansi Lake was also assessed using Shannon-Weaver index, Pielouindex, Margalef index and Simpson index. Those results can provide scientific information forconservation of hydrobios diversity and evaluation of ecosyterm health caused by theSouth-to-North Water Transfer Project. The main results show as follows:1A total number of40species were identified, of which,7species were oligchaetes,10species were mollusks,17species were insects, and others were6species. The number ofspecies in Weishan Lake was the largest among four lake regions, Nanyang Lake was thesmallest. The number of species in winter was the most in four seasons, while that in summerwas the least.2The mean density and biomass of macrozoobenthos in the Nansi Lake were1103ind/m2and82.09g/m2respectively. The average density and biomass of oligchaetes in the Nansi Lake were232ind/m2and0.48g/m2respectively; The average density and biomass of mollusks were71ind/m2and74.02g/m2respectively; The average density and biomass of insects were884ind/m2and6.59g/m2respectively. The standing crop of both oligchaetes and mollusks in Dushan Lakewas maximal, and the standing crop of insects in Nanyang Lake was maximal. Except WeishanLake, the changes of macrozoobenthos density of Nansi Lake were mainly affected by density ofinsects which occupied more than a half of total density. The changes of macrozoobenthosbiomass of Nansi Lake were affected by biomass of mollusks which occupied more than90%oftotal biomass.3The density of macrozoobenthos in Nansi Lake was significantly the highest in winter thanthat of the other three seasons, but the biomass in autumn was highest. The density and biomassof macrozoobenthos in Nansi Lake in summer were lowest. The average density of oligchaetes inwinter was397ind/m2, which was the highest of the four seasons. The density of mollusks wasdominant in summer with120ind/m2, and the biomass was dominant in autumn with123.82g/m2. The density and biomass of insect were significantly highest in winter while lowest insummer.4The dominant species of macrozoobenthos were Propsilocerusi akamusi, Limnodrilushoffmeisteri, Bellamya aeruginosa and Alocinma longicornis in Nansi Lake. All of four specieswere always denfinite patchiness. The dominant species of macrozoobenthos were Bellamyaaeruginosa and Propsilocerusi akamusi in Nanyang Lake. The number of dominant species of macrozoobenthos in Dushan Lake was one more than that of Nanyang Lake, which wasLimnodrilus hoffmeisteri. Copared with DushanLake, Alocinma longicornis and Anodontawoodiana woodiana are also among one of the dominant species of macrozoobenthos in WeishanLake and Zhaoyang Lake respectively. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Bellamya aeruginosa werethe common dominant species in Nansi Lake all the year round. Propsilocerusi akamusi was nota dominant species in summer although it was absolute dominant species in winter.5Gather-collector was the main component of functional feeding groups in Nansi Lakesystem, accounting for87.6%of the total density in full year. The biomass of scrapers was54.39g/m2and the biomass of filter collectors was21.08g/m2, accounting for65.9%and25.5%of thetotal biomass in full year respectively. Direct collectors were dominant in density in all four lakes,while in biomass, Filter collectors were dominant in number in Weishan Lake and ZhaoyangLake, but Scrapers were dominant in number in other two lakes at all seasons.6According to K-dominant curve and biodiversity indexes, biodiversity of macrozoobenthoscommunity was that Weishan>Dushan>Zhaoyang>Nanyang. Biodiversity ofmacrozoobenthos community in winter was fewer than in summer and autumn.7The macrozoobenthos communities in Nansi Lake showed a clear medium similarity. Themacrozoobenthos species had obvious differences at all seasons. Long-term trends in the densityand species composition of macrozoobenthos in Lake Nansi were examined using data fromprevious researches. Species number and standind crop of macrozoobenthos was dcreasedsignificantly; the dominant species in the lake has changed form intoleranet group to tolerantgroup.8Water quality was assessed using Shannon-Weaver index, Pielou index, Margalef index andSimpson index. It showed that the lake on the whole was moderately polluted. The degree ofpollution was Weishan>Zhaoyang>Dushan>Nanyang. Water quality in the south of NaisiLake was relatively better than that in the north of Nansi Lake, because it is close to Jining City.The lake was moderately polluted all the year round expect for winter. The biodiversity indexvalues in winter were relatively low. It was caused by Propsilocerusi akamusi, unconcerningabout water quality.


