

【作者】 孙正洪

【导师】 梁军;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 分工理论与产业集群理论一直以来是学术界研究经济发展的两个重要角度,同时也是世界各国和地区指导经济发展的重要理论,特别是随着经济全球化的发展,产业集群理论在世界经济发展过程中占有越来越重要的地位,形成了以国家为元素的欧盟、北美自由贸易区,以商品元素为基础的硅谷等,取得了巨大的成就。随着现实产业集群经济体的迅速发展,亟需相关理论的指导,本文试图以分工理论为基础,分析产业集群促进经济发展的根本原因,研究分工促进产业集群发展的根本动力,并对产业集群健康、有序的发展提供一般性的建议。第一部分引言是对本文总体内容的一个概述,对本文的研究方法、研究思路给出一个总体性的概括。第二部分基本概念的界定与文献综述,这一部分首先介绍了产业集群分析理论中所涉及到的基本概念,并对其进行本质的界定;其次对当前的产业集群发展理论进行整合和评述。第三部分产业集群的理论基础,分工理论研究。这一部分中的分析分为三个层次,首先是对分工理论进行该属性分析;其次对分工与产业集群之间的辩证关系进行研究;最后以分工理论为基础建构产业集群发展的一般性分析分析框架。第四部分分工促进产业集群发展的“动力”研究。这一部分的分析是以分工理论为基础,首先分析了产业集群采用分工生产方式收益的基本前提;其次是对分工促进产业集群发展的“直接动力”进行分析;最后是以分工理论为基础分析分工促进产业集群发展的“根本动力”。第五部分分工促进产业集群发展的具体策略研究。这一部分主要是对促进产业集群发展策略的具体分析。

【Abstract】 It’s two important angles about specilization theory and industry cluster theory inacademia. At the same time, these are important in promoting economy. With thedevelopment of the economy, it’s become more and more important in thedevelopment of the world economy. It develops the Euopern Union and the northAmerican free trade area which are contained of contry. It develops the Silicon alleywhich is contained of product. With the rapid development of the industry cluster, thedevelopment of the industry cluster needs theory guiding. This article analys thecauses of the development the industry cluster, and research the power of thedevelopment of the industry cluster. Finally, this article will give some suggestionabout the development of the industry cluster.Chapter one is introduction. In this part, this article introduse the researchmethord and research thinking. We will have an genral idea about the article.Chapter two is the definition of some basic concepts and literature review. In thispart, some basic concepts related to urbanization theory are introduced firstly; thenliteratures on the theory of industry cluster are summarized.Chapter three is the basic theory of the industry cluster. In this part, it devide intothree part. Firstly, it analys the nature of the industry cluster; secondly, it analys thedialectical relationship between specilization and industry cluster; finally, on the basisof the specilization, this article bulids an analysis framework about the industrycluster.Chaper four is the power researching about industry cluster. In this part, firstly, itanalys the premise about specilization abtain profit; secondly, this article analys thedirect power of the development of the industry cluster; finally, the article analys thebasic power of the development of the industry cluster.Chaper five is strategy research. In this part, the article analys the strategy in thedevelopment of the industry cluster.

【关键词】 分工产业集群动力视角
【Key words】 specilizationindustry clusterpowerperspective
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】83

